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Running • Page 98

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Henry, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I have never bought insoles/inserts, personally. I know some people believe in them, but I don’t really know anyone in my running circle who uses them.
  2. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    To me, that is the whole purpose of buying shoes that suit your foot strike/support needs. How the shoes come is how I use them. I do know a couple people that have had foot problems that use orthotics from a foot doctor, but that seems to be for more severe situations.
  3. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    what is the hottest temp y'all will run in? i woke up late today and did 7.5ish miles in exposed low 80's and was absolutely miserable. used to be able to tolerate heat much more in my 20's
  4. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    5 and under, I’ll do pretty much whatever it is. But will choose shadier routes and bring water above 90.

    longer runs, as close to dawn as possible
    bedwettingcosmo likes this.
  5. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Anything under 90 I would probably at least “attempt” to run in but wouldn’t last very long. If I knew it was 90+ before heading out I’d either just walk or not go out at all lol. Wouldn’t last very long and would only be motivated to run in it if I was trying to build up a tolerance for running in heat for a specific event or something, otherwise I’d just skip the day or wait till later at night and hopefully it would be cooler then
    bedwettingcosmo likes this.
  6. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    I don't know for certain, but I know for a fact that back in high school summer cross days that I ran in 90s and low 100s. This marathon cycle, I have probably done 16 in the high 80s with not the best air quality from the Canadian wildfires. Midwest can build you up though with the summer humidity here. It's just kind of how it is. It's not ideal, but I try to hydrate more and just be more mindful of breathing and feel.
  7. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I’ve found that doing hot runs has allowed me to be a lot faster in the fall and spring.
    bobby_runs likes this.
  8. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I definitely run in the mid to high 80s on a regular basis, but usually try to get out early enough in the day that it hasn’t hit the 90s yet. Also helps that I live near water, so I can usually find a good breeze and/or a place to jump in the bay.
  9. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    I’ve run thousands of miles over the years and 99% of my runs have nothing memorable or eventful happen and now to back to back days, oddities.

    Yesterday I was on a small section of boardwalk by the river front and there was an old man in his 70’s standing there and a woman and her daughter on bikes were passing and I assume he mumbled something about bike riding not being allowed on the boardwalk and the woman went OFF. I could hear her for a long, long time as I continued on lol

    And today, way out in the middle of nowhere on some country road a very territorial Pomeranian starts barking and following me, right into the road. I wasn’t afraid of it since it’s a Pomeranian and my grandma always had those like every grandma seems to but I didn’t like that he/she had no issue running into the road. Finally see the owner in her garden and she starts whistling for the dog to come back but doesn’t even look to see what the dog is barking about. Maybe that’s country life and the dog barks at everything since that’s what that breed does lol but if it doesn’t bark at everything I’d be a little freaked out at what has it all fired up when you live in the middle of nowhere

    And while today wasn’t a “bad” dog encounter by any means it did make me realize that the handful of other dog scenarios I’ve been in have all been fun/adorable except for ONE occurrence. Honestly my biggest fear with running on country roads is dealing with territorial or untrained dogs that probably don’t encounter people running past their yards
    Supernova likes this.
  10. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I had a lady sic her chihuahua on me one day when I was running through a neighborhood and she was very traumatized when I punted it like the 4 pound animal it is.
  11. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Haha I had that happen with like 4 or 5 of them. The lady was cleaning out her storage space but it was right at the base of a hill that I was going to be running for an hour or so and I told her that and she said that wouldn’t be an issue and every damn time I came down the hill they’d start barking and come at me but stay 10-15 feet away.

    After half a dozen times I just left to find a different hill because it was so annoying.
  12. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Sprained my left ankle on a tree root today on a trail run after work, and now I’m probably out a good week from running, just as our weather here is getting better. Pretty stiff right now. Fuck shit fuck
  13. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Crazy finish to the women's 10,000m at the World Championships - she's leading on the home stretch, just barely, and then falls down (maybe gets clipped by runner behind her) with like 50 meters to go. Oooff
  14. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    bedwettingcosmo likes this.
  15. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    Vacation this week for me so you know what that means.... tons of mileage. Aiming for an 80-90 mile week. I'm taking a rest day today to get some yardwork done. If not for that today I'd go for 100. I did 70 the other week and still worked a solid 40 hour at my job. This just so happens to line up on the hottest week of the year down here. Highs close to 100 mid week so lucky me. I'll still get it done.
  16. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Thursday by me in Wisconsin is supposed to be 97, which… it hasn’t even cracked 85 all year and Wednesday is supposed to be a high of 79 so jumping to 97 sounds insane. And they say it will feel like 115+. I plan to at least go for a walk over lunch that day, maaaaybe try running for a mile or two super slow and bring my hydration vest with me, but nothing more than that. It’s interesting/fun to experience super shit weather when it won’t last long and you can escape lol so that’s the plan.

    Also going to start looking at total time on my feet moving vs mileage starting 9/1 as I began the slow ramp up to attempting a 50K, 50-miler, 100K and then maybe 100-miler. Very, very tentative would be 50K Q1 2024, 50-miler Q3 2024, Q1 2025, 100K Q3 2025, 100 miler in 2026 maybe? Or maybe replace the 100K with the 100-miler or tell the 100-miler to fuck off and maybe max out at 100K so I’m not wandering in the woods in the dark for days lol
    Ferrari333SP and Supernova like this.
  17. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Had a 20-miler on Sunday that was way too hot and way too humid, and that's the most miserable I've been on a run in years and years. Maybe ever. This summer has been a test.
  18. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    That’s a long time to wait to do a 100! Don’t wait, just do it. Don’t think. Do it. And see what happens. Skip the 100k. 100 miler in early/mid 2025. Heck, late 2024! You put it off long enough you’ll never do it! It may go well, it may not. Oh well. It’s something awesome to shoot for. A lot of 100 milers have a cut off of 30ish hours so at MOST you see two sunrises :P

    (May be bad advice, but I get excited
    when people want to do 100s)

    I’m with you with total time vs miles. All your body knows is time and stress, not miles. But I still end up tracking miles. I’m usually good with increasing both when trying to increase.
    marsupial jones likes this.
  19. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Can’t remember if it was you or @Supernova or something else that made a comment about not paying attention to pace during summer and just focus on building a stronger base / getting miles in and I try to think that on every run now because it is very smart lol. Come fall when I’m flying at my 8 minute mile my brain will of course wonder why I couldn’t do this during summer and then next summer I will again think I suck at running because the heat kills me so hopefully I can remember this good bit of advice :crylaugh:
    Craig Manning likes this.
  20. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Knowing me this will probably be the case. Just typing out that plan I was like, “wtf this is so boring, I’m already into 2026! That’s two years away!” lol.

    Definitely want to do a 50 miler or 100K before attempting a 100 miler just to get a better feel for how aid stations and drop bags work and whatnot. Knowing full well that besides logistics you can’t really compare 50 to 100 I’d want to do at least one official 50M / 100K to assure myself as far as essentials, tools, info, etc. I remember my first marathon I packed way too much shit for the hotel/morning of and was carrying too much shit. By the time I did my 4th marathon I was cool as a cucumber and only brought a small carry-on bag. It was so nice to have that specific nervousness out of the way and that’s what I’d like to have done before a 100M.

    And with all that said, I can definitely learn those things ahead time and NOT stretch this out to 2026 lol
  21. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    You certainly have to adjust pace expectations on certain days. I still try to fit in goal pace workouts and speed where I can, but you can’t do that on a 90-degree day or you’re going to have a problem!
    Supernova likes this.
  22. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    It was 82 and 100% humidity at 5am and will be 92 and 100% humidity at 5pm… today was a treadmill day. Ain’t nobody got time to run outside when it’s like breathing soup.
  23. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    Oh yeah. All my stuff is SLOW. I'll try to do one speed session at least a week but I have to do it early in the day before like 8am. I'll sprinkle in strides elsewhere in the week, but in the shade!

    A 50m or 100k is very important to get a feel for everything for sure. I just think they are too similar. Do one or the other. Granted I've only done two so far(3rd in 3 weeks), the 50m distance is so good. When you are depleted at the end of a 50 thinking about your 100, just think, "I have to do that AGAIN....!?!?". But the relief is you do the 100 SO MUCH slower than the 50m.

    Catch me dead in the middle of the trail with GU dripping out the sides of my mouth from heat exhaustion before you catch me on a treadmill.
  24. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I can’t overstate how disgusting I get when it’s this hot/humid and the chaffing… oi, the chaffing.
  25. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    I feel like a read an article in Runner's World that had a rough estimate/formula for pace adjustment in high temperatures. It started at 80 degrees and was like 1:30-2:00 minutes slower per mile.