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Rockstar Disrupt Festval: The Used / Thrice / Circa Survive / Sum 41 / TSSF / Atreyu / SWS / ETC Tour • Page 25

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by TMS2787, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't get why these kind of festivals (and Warped Tour) runs Tinley Park. It's really hard to get there without a car, it's far from the city, driving there afternoon is a god damn nightmare and it's not an area you would want your kids to run around in.
    ItsAndrew likes this.
  2. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Yeah, it was so obvious this was going to fail. The Thrice/Circa tour from a year or so back should’ve been an indication of that.
  3. rxbandit89

    probably over-caffeinated. Supporter

    Did that tour not sell well? That was the first time I've missed Thrice coming through in years.
  4. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    Honestly you probably don't even need to upgrade. I had lawn tickets and the seats were so empty we just walked down and sat in the middle section, no one was checking tickets.
    Daniel182 and thenewmatthewperry like this.
  5. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    It was obvious that this tour was never gonna do well in these large venues, but I'm confused why it's doing THIS bad.

    My tickets were free, but if they weren't they would've been $20 each. That's a steal to see The Story So Far, Thrice, The Used, Circa and Four Year Strong. I think if I wanted to see any of those bands on their own tour it'd be double that price.

    This lineup is also SO much better than last year's Warped Tour lineup, and those tickets were double the price and somehow sold 4 times as many tickets at the same venue.
    Michael G and ArmsLikeTeeth like this.
  6. zachmacD


    does anyone else feel like the end of Warped Tour signaled the end of a chapter to a lot of people?

    I know for me, getting fucked up at Warped Tour AC last weekend was kind of like my last hurrah. I'm 28 and just feel like I need to get it together.

    I just feel like people are moving on.
    Blink182Bouncer and Cgarnsay like this.
  7. Mtlman1331


    I don’t really think the tour is doing “bad” I think between 3k-6k for shows is about what I thought it would draw. I thought maybe cities like Chicago, LA etc on weekends could possibly do more. I feel like this is doing what is expected.
  8. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    The Chicago date for Friday is currently out of lawn tickets.
  9. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    I thinking Indy may do okay too since it’s on a Sunday and none of these bands ever come here. I can’t tell you the last time Thrice even played in the state.
    Daniel182 likes this.
  10. red8ge


    warped has way more name value and there's definitely a level of attendee who will go just to go to warped
    Michael G and Blink182Bouncer like this.
  11. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    I wonder, who is actually losing money on thia if it's sponsored by Rockstar? Aren't they the ones losing?
  12. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    True, it’s funny how this would’ve sold 5,000 more tickets in each market if they added a couple bands and called it Warped Tour.
  13. red8ge


    synergy global entertainment, the production company, will eat the biggest loss. rockstar's loss is whatever they had allotted for the tour to do activations/on-site promotion etc

    it's kind of incredible, like even up to the end i had friends who couldn't name five bands on the lineup or were connected at all to the "scene" but would still show up because it's outdoor rock music
    Brent and Mrplum5089 like this.
  14. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I thought that tour did well?... Did it actually not?
  15. Jonny Sniper


    I've had this mindset for the last couple years but here I am still going to shows. It definitely shows that most of this generation just isn't readily available or willing to take time off of work multiple days for things like outside festivals, especially during the week.

    I had multiple reasons that allowed me to not say no. It was fortunately on a Saturday when I don't work, my initial ticket was free, and there were bands I wanted to see that I wouldn't have paid more than 20 dollars for. And I had a successful day. Only issue was the drive was 7 hours roundtrip so that certainly would not have been doable on a weekday.
    zachmacD likes this.
  16. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    It's more likely there's no lawn open at all, considering they're selling GA seats for $12.
    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  17. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    Might not look like it, but there were definitely several hundred people in the pit for her, & tons more scattered around watching in the shade of trees/tents. I was super surprised to see this many people there for her & Hyro, it was a good time.

    Trophy Eyes was miserably bad. I've seen them 5 or 6 times & they're always full of energy. The lead singer literally didn't move at all & had his arms behind his back when he wasn't CHECKING HIS WATCH. It was pretty embarassing
  18. Trophy Eyes were told they had to be done by a certain time due to the thunder/lightning. John was likely checking his watch due to that. They still sounded good!
    theasteriskera likes this.
  19. stonecoldnimrod

    roamer. wanderer. nomad. vagabond.

    here's my personal take:

    i HATE pavilions. here near houston is the woodlands pavillion, and the pit is so small it's near impossible to get tickets. that being said, i wasn't willing to pay 80$ after tm fees to see a few bands that i have some interest in, and THRICE. by the time i read here that the pit tix were on sale, woodlands was sold out. so i made a weekend out of it and went to austin instead. if this was at a smaller place where it was all ga, then for 40-50$ i would have gone to the show here. especially indoors to avoid a rain out.

    and as understanding as the situation is that not all bands can be at all dates, as a payin customer, that sucks. i read the initial lineup that sum 41 and atreyu were also on this tour just to find that on my date, neither would be performing is a bit disappointing.
  20. DonnyFTW


    I can personally say I didn't do this tour or Sad Summer because I already made the decision to go to AC Warped and had tickets before these tours were announced. Because of that vacation, I couldn't book off the date for disrupt so even when tix were super cheap I would've missed out on most bands (could've gotten there to see TSSF, Circa, Thrice and The Used) but there were no conflicts at Warped so I seen all those bands minus a few songs from The Used so there was no sense in even grabbing $20 tickets.
  21. zachmacD


    Exactly. Warped tour was a yearly ritual that i started when I was 14 so I didn't mind taking off work once a year to go (even though i didn't go the last few years). I'm not going to keep doing that forever though especially for new festivals with bands past their prime that I've seen multiple times already. It just doesn't make sense to burn PTO or lose a shift. I rarely go to shows anymore even if they are during the week because I have to get up at 6:30 the next morning.
  22. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I rarely go there and haven't been there in a while. It's literally the worst venue in the Chicagoland area, has no public transportation that goes to it easily (the Metra stop is not near the venue so you have to Uber), and if a show there runs late/gets out late/has horrible traffic getting out you may miss the last train back to the city and be fucked.

    Northerly Island can fit up to 30,000 people if they open up the lawn. Not sure why more tours don't just go through there.
    JaggySnake83 and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  23. Michael G


    This probably would’ve done way better with bands that have a younger fan base. Fans of Thrice, the Used, etc. are all working adults now and don’t have summers off, or the ability to request a day with ease for the most part. They should’ve just stuck with the bands that pull high school/college aged kids (+ their parents)
    Brent likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    All in all, to the people who went already, are you glad you went?

    My date is tomorrow and I'm still kind of on the fence.
  25. rxbandit89

    probably over-caffeinated. Supporter

    I had a total blast. I had a few beers, saw some bands I'd never seen before, and enjoyed the hell out of all the headliners.
    theasteriskera likes this.