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Riot Fest 2021 (September 17-19, Chicago IL) Tour • Page 206

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ALT/MSC/FAN, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. Cmoney86


    yeah i get the frustration. it is bullshit people buy tickets just to flip them. i know your pain. had the same reactions back in 2013 after the hawks won the Stanley cup and i tried to get tickets to the home opener. same shit happened
    KindaFatMike likes this.
  2. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The new Japanese Breakfast album is fantastic and I recommend anyone in town for Riot who is either coming in Wednesday or not going/interested in the Thursday row-show to grab a resale ticket. It’s going to be such a good show.
  3. Rmourz


    Anyone flying solo from out of town for all 4 days? I paid my portion on a nice Airbnb to share with my friend... only for him to tweet a week later that he’s not going because he wants to do 4 chord more. It has separate rooms.

    HMU if you’re interested
  4. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm guessing that means no Anti-Flag after show. That being said, I really hope Grumpster winds up added to an after show as an opener. They would be a fantastic opener for the Larry Arms.

    Has that been officially announced yet?

    That would rule. Even if it wasn't FLAG and it was just a Black Flag covers set with Keith on vocals and a "super group" of other acts on the festival.

    Yeah, I don't think that Chicago date takes them out of the mix. Especially if they're unannounced. But I do think it makes them significantly less likely, TBH.
    Daniel182 likes this.
  5. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Larry Arms did announce the dates for War on Xmas too so I don't know if that counts them out for an aftershow but I still feel like they have to
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  6. Cmoney86


    2022 tickets officially bought finally. also was still able to get a discount using my email address
    alkalinexandy likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    I think it got officially announced but all of the dates are blacked out. I just want to know which date is Pontiac, haha.
    alkalinexandy and Cgarnsay like this.
  8. Cgarnsay


    I’ll see you there!
    ALT/MSC/FAN likes this.
  9. Tifoil


    Fucked Up announced a tour playing David Comes to Life in full. This makes me think that maybe they will play it at Riot too

    alkalinexandy likes this.
  10. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    I feel like the album is a bit too long for a play at the album proper - unless the band played last on Rebel.

    But I do think this bodes well for an after show with the album and/or them playing on Thursday night and having that be one of the special plays! That would make a lot of sense, IMHO.
    Tifoil likes this.
  11. Tifoil


    Maybe yeah, I can see them having the same slot as Glassjaw in 2019 or as you said, an aftershow for it.

    I have hope for this happening in Riot, specially because they don't have dates in Chicago, and I don't think they will add it along the West Coast dates.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  12. Pokinatcha Punk


    I mean in 2019 Taking Back Sunday and Against Me! had abnormally long sets and Senses Fail played on two days to be able to play multiple albums. So Riot Fest is definitely open to playing with the normal scheduling if they want a band to play an album.
  13. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Only argument I would say there is that TBS and AM! are both significantly bigger bands than Fucked Up with main stage slots.

    But still. I could see them playing last (or second to last) on Rebel and doing a tight, potentially slightly altered/reduced version of the album.
  14. Cmoney86


    Rise against Chicago tickets secured!
    alkalinexandy and Tifoil like this.
  15. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Rad! I'm jealous of anybody getting a date on that tour that includes both the Descendents and the Menzingers.

    Really wishing there was a Massachusetts date for that one. There's some very odd cities/states they skip over with this particular routing...
  16. Cmoney86


    Yeah idk why they did the routing the way they did or why they skip so many places or why they waited till the day the new album came out to announce Chicago and St. Louis dates
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  17. Tifoil


    Speaking of Rise Against, I asked Tim last Friday on the autograph session if RA was playing Riot on Thursday and he said "unfortunately we are not playing Riot this year"
    Daniel182 and alkalinexandy like this.
  18. Cmoney86


    Kinda figured after they announced the Chicago show. No clue who Thursday will be now lol. Maybe the offspring
    Daniel182 and alkalinexandy like this.
  19. Tifoil


    Still hoping for Akaline Trio
    Daniel182 likes this.
  20. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    I still think the Offspring are too big to warrant flying in for a single show like that where Riot isn't making any additional money.

    My personal hopes, based on what might be in play for a Thursday headliner? Sublime with Rome doing Sublime's S/T album. NOFX doing whatever.

    EDIT: Casual reminder that Sublime's website actually has Riot Fest listed as starting on Thursday, 9/16. So I think they are pretty likely for Thursday.
    Pokinatcha Punk likes this.
  21. MattNCheeze


    The thursday pre party show is actually a live taping of Damian's podcast.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  22. CuttingMyFingersOff


    Would actually love Sw/R to do that. It would cut down on conflicts the next day for me I'm sure haha
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  23. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, there's a few bands I want to play Thursday because there's other bands I know would win out over them but I'd still kinda like to see. And Sublime with Rome is one of them. Self-titled, in particular, would make it huge for me. And I feel like they're the kind of band who can do that sort of thing pretty readily.

    NOFX playing Thursday would also be key for me because the Pumpkins are a huge "bucket list" band for me and I'm 99% certain NOFX will be on the same exact time they are, and despite how many times I've seen them over the years? I'd still really like to see them if I can swing it.
  24. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Someone on Reddit just posted that Bayside is currently listed as having a Riot Fest date on Thursday, 9/16. Wonder if that means Senses Fail, Hawthorne Heights, and/or the Bombpops will pop on as well.

    Honestly, throwing that entire tour on the Rebel Stage would be sick.
    Tifoil likes this.
  25. CuttingMyFingersOff


    Same on both accounts. I will always try to see NOFX and I'm sure SwR can play that whole S/T album in their sleep. I do wonder if we're getting a "classic" SP set though, which would be great. I've seen them a handful of times in the last 10 years or so and it's always been a mix of classics and new stuff, which I don't love.
    alkalinexandy likes this.