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Riot Fest 2019 (September 13-15) Tour • Page 79

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. KindaFatMike


    I cant believe ezra hasn't done Riot. would be a perfect match. Seen 'em 3 times, always a killer show.
  2. weshankins34


    Does anyone know how difficult/easy it'd be to stay all of Saturday and make the descendants show (I only care about descendants and not the openers)?
  3. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Pretty easy, although the trains are packed when the festival officially ends for the day so it will be difficult just getting on a subway car. In terms of getting there, the line that is nearest to Douglas Park is the Pink Line, and you take that towards the loop for five stops, then when you get off, turn right on Lake Street and walk straight and you will hit the Bottom Lounge.
    weshankins34 likes this.
  4. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Yeah, it should be very easy. Riot Fest will end at 10:00, and the Descendents show starts at 10:30 with two opening bands.

    You’ll probably have a solid two hours to get there in time.
    weshankins34 likes this.
  5. Mike Dust 81


    If it's your last option, before tickets go on sale call customer support 877.435.9849.. call support opens up an hour before tix go on sale
  6. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    I’ve got an alarm set to get tickets right when they go on sale,I’ll gladly get an extra for you! Message me on here & we’ll sort out payment
  7. Pokinatcha Punk


    Good luck everybody! I hope everyone gets the shows they want!
  8. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Ahh maybe that’s it. It’s alright but it’s definitely a little cheesy
  9. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm a little confused but maybe the pizza party is actually Friday this year? Would be perfect

    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  10. whatisthat


    Avail sold out
  11. Mike Dust 81


    Avail, Dashboard, and TBS have already sold out
  12. GreenDayForRiot


    Pulled the trigger on the Aquabats pre-show. I was interested in the Against Me! after show but the start time of 11pm seemed too daunting. I think there's a high likelihood I would have blown it off
  13. Tifoil


    Got tickets for Pvris and Taking Back Sunday!
  14. KingofSpain

    you can be your own dad Prestigious

    Got TBS tix!
  15. KindaFatMike


    Decendents & Dashboard acquired.
    decided on them as they are both middle of the pack on my list of 'hope to see', so i figure now i can skip both at the fest worry free
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  16. Mike Dust 81


    Keep checking, tickets opened up for Avail and TBS
  17. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    AM! Here we come
  18. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Got them for Aquabats and AM! Pretty excited
  19. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    So unclear lol
  20. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Got Aquabats, Against Me and Bottlerocket!

    Right lol I am really hoping it's Friday and that it's Pkew. Will be bummed if its Saturday and Pkew
    alkalinexandy and MexicanGuitars like this.
  21. Kelsey


    Went with TBS for Saturday night! V excited
  22. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Got a ticket for TBS. Prices seem a little steeper than usual, but I can't miss WYWTB.
  23. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

    got TBS
  24. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    Yah but at the very least I’m going Friday for Pkew

    Also technically I did see them in 2017 at the PPPP but I wasn’t even a fan lol
    JaytotheGee likes this.
  25. campeondeluniverso


    got TBS for myself and 3 friends and Descendents for my other friend. i can stop being tense.