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Representation in Art/Entertainment/Media • Page 5

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Tim, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    Do you consider it to be as good as The Little Giants
  2. Haha c'mon now, how can anything compare to Little Giants??

    The two recent sports movies I stand behind are Warrior and Creed. They're both about macho men who nonetheless have feelings.
    Nick likes this.
  3. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    Haha I was messing around. Two very different movies clearly. I haven't had too much time for movies lately but it's definitely on my list. I'm still desperately clinging to hope that Jordan will play Green Lantern at some point
  4. I loooove Jordan but I'd prefer Idris Elba, because he would bring such gravitas to the character. Even people who never heard of Green Lantern would have to stand up and take notice of him.

    But on the other hand, like I've said before, I want Michael B. to play every character all the time.
  5. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Not on topic at all, but this movie wrecks me every single time. What a powerful film.
    Nick and Tim like this.
  6. Adrian Villagomez Apr 3, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 3, 2016)
    Man, I love it. It's amazing that the brothers only meet each other only one time before the final fight.
    Nick and Garrett L. like this.
  7. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    Plus it was filmed in Pittsburgh and has The National's music featured prominently.
    Nick likes this.
  8. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

  9. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    This past week I attended a presentation on my campus featuring two awesome sets of speakers. The panel was specially focused on women of color in comics/graphic novels (both creating and featured as characters) but also approached the broader subject of representation in media.

    As a student getting my degree in television, representation and diversity is something that is very important to me. One of the speakers, MariNaomi, shared this article (An Illustrated Guide to Writing People of Color) and I found it very informative in the discussion of diversity versus tokenism. Forgive me if its been discussed before! I just felt like its something to be shared.

    The other speakers were The Gibbs Sisters who have found a way to show representation in the sci-fi comics genre. Their upcoming book looks amazing.

    This is honestly just a bunch of rambling but I'm just excited. Hopefully someone finds any of this interesting!
  10. You go to CSUN?! I don't think I've ever met someone else from CSUN on AP before.
  11. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    I do!!! That's really cool, I haven't either. Did you go to the panel?
  12. I didn't, unfortunately; I was busy running some errands for my club. Sounds like I missed out on some cool stuff. Some other English Department clubs are having a conference on the weekend of the 16th that should be really interesting, though! PM me if you're interested.

    I got my BAs in English and in Asian American Studies, and I think we actually talked about representation a lot more in the latter. Even at the grad level I sometimes feel like the reading lists for my English classes are predominantly white, not that that's stopped me from writing papers on authors of color--professors tend to be much more open to having you choose your own topics at this stage.
  13. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    I'll definitely have to see what I'm doing that weekend.

    I've found representation in class readings/screenings to be pretty abysmal outside of the dedicated departments like Asian American, Chicano/a, and Africana studies. Unfortunately I find that my own department, Cinema and Television, is very white. The best class I took in there was a semester of fantasy films that had a lot of different films and nothing typical. But at the same time there's a class that focuses on one specific director each semester (I haven't taken it) and for one semester the teacher picked Woody Allen. So clearly there's a ton of work.

    Looking at the projects that are produced in my department and it's shocking how the vast majority of all characters are white.

    The class that brought me to that panel is an English class on comic books and graphic novels. The teacher picked a great variety of readings including stuff from Keiji Nakazawa, Tony Puryear & Erika Alexander, and MariNaomi. I do appreciate the effort, of course, to expand horizons past the typical "super hero" type comic.

    Yikes this is a huge rant, sorry! I just have been talking lately about how much better classes could be with representation so it's pretty fresh on my mine. (And of course this is all on the topic of race; sexuality, gender, and all of that are also incredibly underrepresented.)
  14. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    y'all are making me jealous. College panels and speakers were so fun and interesting!
  15. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    @Viva Sonata I just went through the slide and notes - really great. Of all the anime you rec'd, I had only heard of Aoi Hana. I've watched Free! and Sakura Trick. What are your detailed thoughts on those both? Also, have you seen Strawberry Panic or Sasameki Koto?
  16. Viva Sonata Prestigious

    1. Free and Sakura Trick are indicative of their respective genres. (Queerbaiting and objectification respectively). I don't see them as good representation ):
    2. I haven't! Should I see them~?
  17. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

  18. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    I enjoyed them both to varying degrees, but I agree with both of the issues you mentioned.As for Strawberry Panic. It's better than Sakura Trick. I don't think it's anywhere near as objectifying, and has a lot more depth to it. As for Sasemeki Koto, I've heard plenty of good things, but haven't watched it yet. I plan to.
  19. genderqueergorehound

    a literal succubitch

    Yep, subbing to this thread.

    Don't have anything to contribute at the moment, but still subbing, lol.
    St. Nate likes this.
  20. Viva Sonata Prestigious

    Very exciting! I'll find Strawberry Panic once i'm through my current season docket.

    I had a long discussion and I'm adding more slides right now.
  21. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    Faking It (MTV) actually made history last night and had the first intersex character played by an intersex actor ever. Pretty rad. I'm not sure if the character will be in more episodes, but that's pretty big.
    Viva Sonata and inspectorkemp like this.
  22. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    Empire killed a queer woman and Ilene Chalkin said some very biphobic things about it in trying to make it sound like it wasn't part of the Bury Your Gays trope. I'm not sure specifically of how many LGBTQA+ women have been killed off this year, but I believe it's almost double where we were at last year and it averages out to one character a week since the beginning of the year.
    inspectorkemp likes this.
  23. cybele

    set our hearts ablaze

    We were specially talking about The 100 in my Media and Society class so it was pretty cool to see my teacher bring up something like that. My group is actually going to be doing our final paper on the treatment of LGBTQ characters in television right now (I'm excited that they decided to go with my topic, haha).

    I know that we've had recent deaths on The 100, The Walking Dead, and now Empire. What other shows have had this issue?
    morgantayler likes this.
  24. Quantico, Supernatural (last season)
    cybele likes this.
  25. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    All 152 Dead Lesbian and Bisexual Characters On TV, And How They Died | Autostraddle

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