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Representation in Art/Entertainment/Media • Page 4

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Tim, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. phaynes1


    sorry to be awful, but ... subbin
  2. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    carina likes this.
  3. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Jane the Virgin. Seeing a show bring on Paulina Rubio and Charo and star Jaime Camil a huge novela actor is amazing. Sometimes I'm like omg is this really happening?? And seeing them get in little digs at immigration laws, the Sean Penn/Kate del Castillo/El Chapo thing, and slide in clever one-liners about Emma Stone and white washing roles is amazing x2
    gonz (Alex), Jason Tate and carina like this.
  4. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    Still need to watch that series.

    Speaking of television and representation, also behind on Fresh Off the Boat.
  5. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    They released the trailer for Electra Woman and Dyna Girl and seeing a superhero that looks like me is an incredible feeling even at 24
    Tim, morgantayler and St. Nate like this.
  6. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    Posting here because I want this on the first page as the newcomers trickle in.

    I'm guessing it was unstickied because there were approx. 9,999,999 stickied threads at one point, which is fair, but tbh, I sorta wish this one were still stickied so newcomers had to at least be aware of this umbrella of topics. @Henry, thoughts? If no, that's fine.

    I also want to edit into the second post a bunch of useful articles and information. Had this idea on and never got around to it. Suggestions?
    morgantayler and Meerkat like this.
  7. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    I back this being stickied
  8. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Me too. Everyone should know about my snarky quips regarding representation in media.
  9. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    Everyone who hasn't already heard should know I'm holding a grudge against The 100 #neveroverit
    morgantayler likes this.
  10. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I'll sticky it. It was the only one I hesitated on but ultimately removed just to be fair. I'll do it after bocce. Lol
    Tim likes this.
  11. Didn't know this thread existed on AP. My friend and I were talking just yesterday about how there seems to be a lot of black people playing cops or people in charge of the FBI or something, and they're never the main character. Also, there are just so many shows with cops.
    Tim likes this.
  12. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    ^ This is why I made this thread instead of Politics and asked for a sticky. I think we'll get more awareness and dialogue this way, as well as more opportunity for people to share frustrations.

    I'm so hyped for the new beginning Chorus is giving us.
  13. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

  14. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I think this is probably the correct place to ask this:

    As an aspiring novelist, who happens to be a middle class white male, how do I properly show representation in my novels without it seem like I'm ticking boxes to appease the "Search for diversity" currently dominating the publishing market? Like, I want inclusion because it's important to me, not because I'm trying to sell my novel.
  15. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    From an interview by The Mary Sue with Marvel's Sana Amanat:

    TMS: Going back to Marvel comics and stories – in the Q&A you mentioned that there are other Muslim characters in Marvel, and I thought of Faiza in Captain Britain. Obviously it’s a British story, so it’s different, but it’s also a white guy writing a Muslim female character. I’ve actually spoken to Paul Cornell, who was working on the title, and he made sure to speak with as many Muslim women as he could to make sure to get it right. There’s an Opportunity vs. Representation question – and I think they’re both important, so I’m not going to ask you Which is more important, that people of color have jobs, or that they’re seen in the media they consume? But how can creators who are not of color broaden their storytelling in that way? Because they need to participate in creating those characters if change is going to happen.

    Amanat: Yeah, and I think they are. Just seeing what’s been going on at Marvel in the past few years – like, you have Jason Aaron writing Jane Foster as Thor. Brian Bendis writing Miles Morales as Spider-Man. When you’re a very good writer, you know how to write experiences that are different from your own, that are distinct, and that’s fundamentally what it means to be a good writer. It doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, brown, whatever – you need to know how to get into what makes a character a character; what makes them interesting and relatable.

    I think a lot of writers get wrapped up in the idea of Well, I’m not black, how can I tell a story about a black person? I think we need to step back and say How do you write the story of this character who used to live in Brooklyn, then he moved to Queens, and then he won the stock market…. That’s the story you’re telling. And who his parents are, and what values were passed down by his parents.

    We have to strip away those labels – that’s something I love to say – strip away the labels, so that you can get to the nitty-gritty of who that character is, and then you tell a good story.

    This is not to say….you know, do the research. Talk to people. But you’re writing about a person who happens to be black. And listen, being black, being a woman, being a Muslim paints your experiences in very, very different ways. But that’s the painting, right? That’s the lens by which you tell a particular story, and colors the way [the character] makes a decision, or colors the way he or she views authority. Those are the different nuances that start adding layers to who these characters are.
    Garrett L. likes this.
  16. I'm more of a poet myself, so I'm not an expert on prose. From just watching shows, though, I think it's important that your characters don't fall into certain types. Like, if you have a tech guy or a medic guy or something, don't make him Asian just because. Yesterday, my friend and I were talking about roles in which the character could've been any race but just happened to be Asian. John Cho in Selfie is a good example. Too many shows with diversity are about families of a certain race, like Fresh Off the Boat and Jane the Virgin, and while that's good and all, I think it's also important to just have a main character who could've been a white guy and have him be Asian. But then I think there's also representation for representation's sake, so once you make a character just happen to be Asian, have their race inform (but not define) their character.
  17. Viva Sonata Prestigious


    I recently just gave a talk about LGBT representation in anime to about ~500 people. It went really well, even though someone interrupted to provide an opposing view.

    I covered cultivation theory, Japanese society, the anime industry as a business, and then talked about how representation is affected by those things. Finally, I recommended five series or movies that have good representation and took questions.
    St. Nate and Meerkat like this.
  18. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wow nice work. I would have liked to see that heh. Got a video, transcript, something? What series/movies did you rec?
  19. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    @Viva Sonata Similarly, I remember reading some stats (I'll have to try digging around for the article) about race representation in animation in general and how even in animation the proportion is way off balance and that was pretty horrifying to me. Really opened my eyes to how people view the world through such a singular lens sometimes
  20. Just saw Creed last night. What the fuck, Oscars? Seriously.
    St. Nate and Tim like this.
  21. Meerkat

    human junk drawer Prestigious

    I still need to see that. Michael B. Jordan is the greatest though.
  22. Viva Sonata Prestigious

    Id be happy to pass on the PowerPoint as well as the notes and talking points I used. Here are my recommendations:

    1. Doukyusei
    2. Aoi Hana
    3. Wandering Son
    4. Winter Cicada
    5. No. 6
    lightning13 likes this.
  23. Viva Sonata Prestigious

    Urbance was something people were interested in for its use of PoC characters to tell a story but I heard that was less than stellar and it's representation is not up to par with what was promised.
  24. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    Sure!! I'll PM you.
  25. If you like good sports movies (that are more about the people than the sports themselves), you'll dig it.