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Relient K Band • Page 111

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    MrAirplane and awakeohsleeper like this.
  2. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Zilla, Spazzy McGee, Doomsday and 7 others like this.
  3. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    i can get behind those odds
  4. stringerebrock


    I'd freak.
  5. JRShoenberger


    That’s awesome.

    also, have they announced support for the tour?
  6. HelloThisIsDog


    Not to my knowledge
  7. JRShoenberger


    Ok. I searched way too long yesterday and came up with nothing.
    HelloThisIsDog likes this.
  8. HelloThisIsDog


    Just a wild guess based on nothing, I could see it being Mike Mains and the Branches
  9. JRShoenberger


    I’d be down for that.
  10. Spazzy McGee


    hope is a dangerous thing
  11. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    What a time to be a Relient K fan
  12. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    I can't believe we are getting a RK supergroup of sorts with Matt, Matt, Dave, John, Jon AND Ethan. IDK if confirmed or not, but all signs point to it.
    awakeohsleeper and earthlight like this.
  13. JRShoenberger


    Just saw this in the comments on Instagram.

    Attached Files:

  14. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    John has not appeared in any new photos/promos, so he appears to not be involved at this time.
    Supernova likes this.
  15. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    Yeah, doesn't really seem like John is involved. Hoping he is to some extent (maybe on record?). I really miss his voice. Been on an Ace Troubleshooter kick lately, man is a great song writer and singer.
    cyclones_37 likes this.
  16. HelloThisIsDog


    Oh nice, I recognize them from TikTok. Great music and cool story too.
  17. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    MrAirplane and aspeedomodel like this.
  18. MrAirplane


    Wow same. I remember being so excited for this album and I feel like I listened to it nonstop until Two Lefts came out. It was the first time I had seen a digipak and after the first album's weird case it made me think they just really loved strange packaging.
    mmhmm likes this.
  19. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Looks like the nostalgia is still strong with this album...350 out of the 500 have sold in just a few hours.
    HelloThisIsDog likes this.
  20. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    Anatomy was the first album I anticipated before it came out. First album I went to store on release day to buy with my money. I remember my dad let me skip school and go out on meetings with him then we stopped at a Christian Bookstore on way. Bought it and listened to it nonstop for months.
  21. mmhmm Dec 29, 2021
    (Last edited: Dec 29, 2021)

    Trusted Prestigious

  22. Spazzy McGee


    Very pretty, if I didn’t have the orange one…
  23. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    I think Forget and Not Slow Down finally clicked for me today.
  24. Bummed I missed the Forget and Not Slow Down repress
    aspeedomodel and awakeohsleeper like this.