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Real Friends Postpone Tour

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Honeymagnolia

    Regular Supporter

    That is a shame but fair play to Dan for laying it all out honestly.

    As someone who suffers from a high level of anxiety I can completely understand how hard it must be to tour and to not know what you are trying to overcome but that is part of the solution. He seems to be in a decent place with being sober and attempting to correct and confront his issues.
  3. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah, good for Dan for getting help. After this and MoBo, it's nice to see band members being honest about mental health.

    Hopefully he fixes everything and we get a tour next year and maybe some new more positive music.
  4. rst


    wish him the best. one of the worst parts about absolutepunk was the unnecessary hatred and shit talking towards this band (and others) in the actual news headlines and in the news threads. if you dont like a band that's fine, but i never saw the need or value for the staff to go out of their way to shit all over some bands like they did, especially while trying to preach for an inclusive environment. im glad that didnt carry over to Chorus
  5. TedSchmosby


    yeah, they all seem like great guys. it was a bummer to see them get torn apart the way they were
  6. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Wishing him all the best. I'm glad he's taking the time he needs to overcome his anxiety.