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PVRIS - Use Me (August 28, 2020) Album • Page 9

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Carrow, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. biffbybiff

    one last ride then it's night night forever

    New song is interesting...if anything it will definitely be a banger live
    beachdude likes this.
  2. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Yeah agreed. I’m pretty into it.
  3. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    So it's just a remix of a song by some artist named HOKO? Or has the latest single not made its way to streaming services yet?
  4. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Out in countries where it’s Friday. Song is called Monster.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  5. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    I’m wondering who did the male vocals they’re a nice addition to this song
  6. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    I’m intrigued. Was not a big fan of the last release but had been previously.
  7. marceting


    New song called "My Way" performed live on Friday. Better than Monsters.
    biffbybiff likes this.
  8. Really like Monster, album sooner rather than later I'd assume!
  9. cosmickid

    Composer, but never composed.

    i enjoy the single but i personally want them to carry on writing incredible pop in the vein of good to be alive, stay gold etc.
  10. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    beachdude and Blink182Bouncer like this.
  11. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    oof idk

    sounds like "we have st. vincent at home"
    disambigujason and slowheart like this.
  12. Blink182Bouncer


    Nah, this song fucking slaps.
    beachdude likes this.
  13. This ain’t it
    Breaking Good likes this.
  14. This rules.
    beachdude likes this.
  15. somethingwitty


    Def a continued departure from the old sound, this isn’t bad though. Gives some K Flay vibes for sure.
  16. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    Use Me and these singles were co-produced by JT Daly, who did a number of K.Flay songs, so it checks out.
  17. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    yeah so I put this on repeat while I was cooking and now I love it lol

    falafel turned out fucking tasty too
    biffbybiff and beachdude like this.
  18. Well this does sound like MASSEDUCTION-era St. Vincent a little bit but as someone who thinks her new record sucks I will happily take some of that from Lynn. This is very good.
    beachdude likes this.
  19. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

  20. Blink182Bouncer


    As someone who doesn't really like St. Vincent or K. Flay, I fucking love this. I like how the songs shifts between dark and poppy so naturallly, and it feels really charged and aggressive.
    Crisp X, beachdude and mescalineeyes like this.
  21. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    maybe time to revisit St. Vincent then ;)

    beachdude likes this.
  22. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    I dig it.

    Seems Lynn is the driving force at this point?
    beachdude and mescalineeyes like this.
  23. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    yes and she's very vocal about it.
  24. Smittzerland

    First time long time (FKA musicfan9795) Prestigious

    Song reminds me a ton of Los Ageless, which is not a bad thing at all
    beachdude likes this.
  25. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Ferrari333SP, RyanPm40 and Carrow like this.