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PUP - The Dream Is Over (May 27, 2016) Album • Page 17

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Brenden, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Sleep in the heat and familiar patterns are my favorites that I didn't hear beforehand. The ending of familiar patterns makes me want throw DOWN.
  2. softanimal

    It's my mum's dodge caravan

    Saw the vinyl and CD of this in sale in the biggest HMV in the middle of London, was so proud of the lads, totally deserved
    MFA and Aaron Mook like this.
  3. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

    Looked in HMV the first day it was out and lo and behold, I found the album. THEY MADE IT!
    softanimal likes this.
  4. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wish I liked this the way you guys do, especially after loving their debut. Pine Point is the only thing I love on here. Old Wounds sounds like a direct Single Mothers rip. Nothing bad about the album but feels a lit flimsier.
  5. olddogsneverdie

    Lock your doors. Dogs want in.

    I would know this album is fantastic without even listening to it just by looking at the responses here. Literally every song is listed when people mention their favorite(s).

    For the record I don't even think I can pick a favorite - they're all so good. This year has been slow prior to May but this could pretty easily make my top 3 on the year.
  6. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    AOTY so far. This record is glorious, and makes me want to shotgun cheap beers while hanging from ceiling rafters.

    Which is a 180 from what I was expecting.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  7. Cody Prestigious

    Ha. I shudder to think what you expected from a PUP record if it wasn't that.
  8. TheWater(s)

    Kiss The Sky Prestigious

    They come play here in like a week and I intend to do just that.
  9. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    It's not that I wasn't expecting the style of music that PUP mastered on their first album. I just wasn't expecting an album focused mainly on self reflection during a specific moment in time to grab me as much as this example has.
  10. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    This band's peak for me will always be "IF I WAS DRUNK WHEN I SAID IT IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN TRUE"

    Would have loved to have seen them one more time before this album came out, only saw them open for Menz and was just getting into them. They've also gotten so big in Toronto I feel a little intimidated by only being into like half their songs.
  11. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    They're playing in Chicago tomorrow and I'm kicking myself that I have to miss them again. I meant to go see them when they came through in the fall.

    I guess I'll just have to catch them at Wicker Park fest
  12. -removed-

    Trusted Prestigious

    On tour with Pup: crowdsurfing, cysts and dead chameleons

  13. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

  14. I have got to see them. this album is bursting at the seams. it sounds like it can't contain them. I love it
    ImAMetaphor likes this.
  15. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    Is it weird that knowing Sleep In The Heat is about a pet makes it even sadder for me? Like, the knowledge that he had such a strong connection with this chameleon that he felt compelled to write this song about it kind of crushes me, haha.
    MFA, HueyLewis, Zac Djamoos and 2 others like this.
  16. softanimal

    It's my mum's dodge caravan

    WHAT. This has depressed me, song means a lot more to me now
  17. Cody Prestigious

    This album is SO fucking good. Ugh. Seeing them tonight and CANNOT WAIT FOR THEM TO SLAY.

    Also, "The Coast" heavy reminds me of (and subsequently makes me miss) Ludo. Anybody else get that between the music and the "sentient lake" theme?
    JRGComedy likes this.
  18. atlas


    Say whaaaaaaaa?
  19. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I can't get The Coast out of my head today
    Cody Nelson likes this.
  20. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    If anyone has extra tickets to their show in NYC I'm a dummy and didn't buy mine and now it's sold out.
  21. Cody Prestigious

    Holy mother of god. That show was absolute insanity.
  22. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Come down to Lake Ponchartrain!
    Cody Nelson likes this.
  23. The_Effort

    Regular Supporter

    Planning to check this out soon cause I keep hearing good things about it. I'm afraid it might be a style I've grown out of though. Are they a pop punk band? All the lyrics I've seen quoted so far seem kinda wonder years-ish* and meh but that's with no context.

    *Not necessarily saying this is accurate. Just what it makes me think of.
  24. realphilrizzo


    Does anyone else sort of associate "The Coast" with "Yukon"? Both are track 5 on the albums, both are about ominous things going on in Canada, and in both, the guitar solos build to a point where you feel like Steve's going insane with his playing. Or am I thinking too far into this?
  25. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    not really...the lyrics aren't anywhere close. TWY's lyrics take themselves so seriously, pup's are basically in your face fucking around

    they're not really a pop punk band, pretty in your face melodic punk
    Cody Nelson likes this.