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PUP in Brooklyn, NY

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    PUP recently completed their “If This Tour Doesn’t Kill You, I Will” tour in celebration of their exceptional new record The Dream Is Over. They completed the tour by making a stop at the legendary Music Hall of Williamsburg for an electrifying, reckless, and pulverizing show. I was lucky enough to attend the last night of their tour and you can check below for some photos from the show.

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    llllllllllllllll likes this.
  2. latortuga


    I cannot stop listening to this album, need a tour that hits great plains US!
  3. red8ge


    legendary? place has been open nine years lol
  4. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

    It's legendary to MEEEE.

    Also, if the Church in Philly can be legendary, this place can be too.
    Dan O'Neill likes this.
  5. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    That show was so, so good. Great pics! Can't wait to catch them their next time around.
  6. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    I feel like half of my (admittedly small # of) posts on here since the change has been about PUP, their new album, or their recent tour. But I'll say it again, the album release show may be the best set I've ever experienced live in Toronto - it's great to see they're getting similarly passionate support elsewhere outside of their hometown.
    Jason Tate and Dan O'Neill like this.