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Post Malone - Hollywood's Bleeding (September 6, 2019) Album • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by btr, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    As someone who’s knowledge about Post never extended beyond the Olive Garden video with Jimmy Fallon- this is really great.
  2. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Chorus is bad/clunky when Posty sings it, but the Ozzy feature and the solo saves it
    jkauf likes this.
  3. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    Was really hoping they would take away the “Spider-Man” subtitle from Sunflower.
    brad4846 and jkauf like this.
  4. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Ruins the flow and vibe of the record too I think.
  5. username

    hey you lil piss baby

    I like this a decent amount more than the last one. At first I thought only the tracks with features were good but there’s a lot of decent solo cuts in the back half. I haven’t ever liked anything I’ve heard from her, but Halsey’s flexing on “Die for Me” is easily the high point.

    I also agree w/ whoever said August 26th is still his best release.
    Micah511 and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.
  6. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    Enemies will inevitably be a smash hit
  7. Steve_JustAGuy


    Sunflower is still probably my favorite song on this.
    Rob Hughes likes this.
  8. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

    Eh, I thought Die for Me and On the Road were the worst ones, they were quite boring really. Saint-Tropez is quite annoying too. But everything else on here works for me
  9. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

    Agreed. If it wasn't on the Spider-Man soundtrack before, then right now would've been the perfect time to release it as an end of summer song.
    Steve_JustAGuy likes this.
  10. Breaking Good

    Newbie Supporter

    I'm loving the album after a couple of listens.

    Was just about to post my highlights but I can't decide.

    I am missing the trap elements from his first two albums though (which is weird as I'm not particularly into rap).
  11. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

  12. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I'm not liking this as much as Beer Bongs. It might be more consistent but I don't think he has the bangers on this (yet, I'm on the Ozzy song now) that he had on the last one.
  13. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

    Yeah, I think he's mellowed out but he still has some crazy hooks on this album. Enemies, Allergic, Circles have been in my head all day haha
  14. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    I think I like the production a bit better on beer bongs but this is still very good. I'm glad he didn't make the same record twice. This is going to be on repeat for the next bit.
    jkauf and Rob Hughes like this.
  15. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    You all have convinced me to give this a listen
    Breaking Good and jorbjorb like this.
  16. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    Just got to "Im Gonna Be" and it fornicates.
  17. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    Shoot SZA's verse is so good.
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  18. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I love records that utilize features to bring an aesthetic freshness to the record/sound
    beachdude, ArmsLikeTeeth and jorbjorb like this.
  19. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    This album is way more consistent than Beerbongs imo. I would have used another song as the closer though.
    jorbjorb, beachdude, jkauf and 4 others like this.
  20. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    They were the standouts for me as well. Nothing beats Candy Paint or Stay, though
    username likes this.
  21. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Internet is a weird song.
  22. chris-wrecker

    Trusted Supporter

    I think the only song i skipped was I'm Gonna Be, this is album is goooooood
  23. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Listening now. Rock solid so far. Can't believe he's really going to be making me pay $100+ for nosebleeds
  24. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    a thousand bad times reads like a shitty pop punk song. i like this album.
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  25. username

    hey you lil piss baby

    Candy Paint is soooo good, massive tune
    jorbjorb and OhTheWater like this.