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Portland, Oregon Location • Page 14

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Expanse, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    Just lost power (Lents neighborhood), time to bundle up I guess
  2. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    My sis is downtown and lost power. I'm in NE and I'm good so far tho the wifi has flickered on and off a few times. Charging my phone, watching 30 days of Night, and gonna bake some cookies. If the power goes out I have a book and a puzzle.
  3. drummerAVA


    Portlandia is calling… lol
  4. Welp our power just went out! We’re in NE around Rose City Park
  5. Coonsatron

    Old APer Supporter

    Holy crap we're neighbors. We live on 60th near Baerlic. We lost power too. In laws in NW still have power so we drove over here. Stay warm!
    trevorshmevor and Jason Tate like this.
  6. Oh wow, yeah we’re super close! We’re up closer to Fremont near Fire On The Mountain haha. Wild. Glad you made it over there safely! Walked to Safeway a little bit ago for some extra firewood and saw cars out there sliding alllll over
  7. Oof, I could go for some of their wings right now. Luckily, things aren't too crazy here across the river. The wind is tolerable (though some strong gusts) and the power is holding up.
    Jason Tate and trevorshmevor like this.
  8. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    Hope everyone is staying warm, our power was out all night. Got it back earlier today luckily, but it must have been down in the 30s in here
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  9. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    So glad I gave assigned covered parking cause a tree fell on two cars parked on the street at my apartment building.

    Never lost power which is nice. Drove around today to get some groceries and it wasn't terrible but dang some pedestrians are bold. I always grew up with the attitude that if there's snow, never assume cars can stop and be extra cautious so I was stressed when pedestrians at several different points walked out in front of my car but thankfully it was fine.

    The snow has caused my weekly grocery delivery to be delayed tho which sucks. I get it but it's kinda throwing off my budgeting and the cold has caused me to bake so I'm subsisting off chocolate chip cookies lol
    Jason Tate and trevorshmevor like this.
  10. Ours went out around 3pm yesterday due to a tree coming down and taking out a power line. It cut back on at about 11am today - got down to 40° in the house overnight. Was pretty chilly but we just got out all the blankets, threw on a few podcasts and some battery lights and did art and crafts lol. Ate plenty of junk food. At some point we went out to the car to charge our phones

    The real downer is there’s a big church just up the street around 62nd and Sandy that caught fire very early this morning. A few houses next to it went up too and a couple of people died. Not entirely sure what happened but it’s hard not to assume it was a candle due to the outage or people just trying to stay warm by a fire :(
  11. Literal


    Round 2 tomorrow!

    Really glad my office is closed
    GrantCloud and trevorshmevor like this.
  12. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Going stir crazy and my office is closed again tomorrow. The highlight of my day was walking to the store for a laptop charger so I could telework. I love being a homebody when it's a choice but as soon as it's not I get so antsy and bored
    Jason Tate likes this.
  13. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Andy Hurley's mom lives in sandy?? I feel like a creepo but it was on fob's instagram story. How random. I was supposed to go to Sandy today but alas, the ice.

    Never been so restless to go back to my office... or just anywhere else but stuck at home. Even during covid I always had to work from my office so I'm a little baby who can't handle being stuck at home
  14. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Also Toyshop Ramen is closing this weekend so if anyone has wanted to check it out, ur time is coming up shortly! They have cool pinball machines and cute Lego jello shots and fun novelty presentation. They've also been staying open for the most part during this storm.

    Barley Sprout in Gresham is also closing this weekend. They have good pizza and a cool projector where they'd show really old films. Sad day for local businesses :-/
  15. Damn, Toyshop just opened last year didn’t they? I only went once, the ramen was pretty forgettable imo but agreed on the fun vibe. Made for a cute dinner date
  16. Coonsatron

    Old APer Supporter

    I think it's high time this city invests in some more severe weather infrastructure and equipment. These events are only going to be more frequent and severe as the climate changes. School could have easily been open today in NE if we had enough plows/sanders to go down side streets. The main streets are perfectly driveable.
  17. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Definitely agree. Kind of a liner note to that, it would be nice if PGE invested in better infrastructure as well to warrant 18% increases in a single year.
  18. Coonsatron

    Old APer Supporter

    I'm in the tiny pocket served by Pacific Power. Last weekend was the first time we lost power for more than an hour since moving in 8 years ago. I'm very, very grateful for that.
    tyramail likes this.
  19. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Today I was just telling someone I should stop whining cause at least my power hasn't gone out. So naturally, it's been out for a few hours now
  20. Sister lost hers again too. One day of power after 5 out. Now out again. :-/
  21. Literal


    Been super lucky power/internet wise this entire time. Only lost power for the first time to half of my apartment for 3 hours yesterday
  22. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Mine came back at 2am along with every light in my apartment coming on, so that was a fun and bright wake up call
    trevorshmevor and Jason Tate like this.
  23. All of the icicles are starting to drip and I can see the inside of my car. The light at the end of tunnel has made a distant appearance
  24. Coonsatron

    Old APer Supporter

    Spent 90 minutes breaking ice on our walkway, sidewalk, and driveway with a 4lb sledge and shovel. I felt like I was on the Deadliest Catch. But It's all clear and dry now. The FedEx guy gave me a fist bump, which made my day.
    tyramail and trevorshmevor like this.
  25. trevorshmevor Jan 19, 2024
    (Last edited: Jan 19, 2024)
    Getting to work on mine too. Been very stressful to see the footage of our mail delivery people go up and down our steps all week! Tried to break up some of the ice on Wednesday but it was wayyyy too thick