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Pokemon Video Game • Page 529

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by PyramidPostcard, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The only annoying thing is you can’t match everything to the uniform, I don’t see why they couldn’t just make a more customizable uniform instead of just having the same generic one with four styles the whole time.
  2. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Do you get three star raids after you beat the second gym?
  3. Yoooooo. I just found a tera Jolteon

    The downside? It’s level 50 lmao
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  4. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    You can just wait lol I’m pretty sure all the wild ones spawn regularly, they’re always there.
    slowheart likes this.
  5. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    There’s a glitch with the glowing cyclizar by iron treads/big tusk, when you get close to try to catch it, the glow is gone lol
  6. Finally found a Gible
  7. And a Sableye! This cave rules lol
  8. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Okay I gave in and just acquired Violet from Target haha. Got the last copy. Excited to try this out after work

    A little annoyed they sold it for $60. Walmart and Target usually sell for $49
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  9. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Last night I was walking up a hill, looking at some windmills on the horizon, each one rotating at around 1 frame a second but at different intervals and I thought 'this is actually kind of endearing'.
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  10. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    There was two sableye walking next to eachother and I feel bad I had to break them up
  11. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Am I the only one who got Violet because the Pokemon on the cover looks like Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon?
  12. @@ron


    I can definitely see that! I’m playing Violet by default because my wife chose Scarlet lol
    JoshIsMediocre and RyanPm40 like this.
  13. finnyscott


    Done bug and grass gyms, rock and flying titans, and then i wandered over to the town with the trade to evolve my Charcadet but still haven’t collected the Sinistea chips i need. Worst weekend to be stuck at work!!!
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  14. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    I love that they’ve brought back a bunch of mons that haven’t been in the games recently.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  15. finnyscott


    hell yeah. feels like pineco and sunkern lines haven’t been avail since gen 2 lol
  16. JRShoenberger


    Seeing mareeps and hopips in the early routes was wonderful.
    morgantayler likes this.
  17. Caught some Bagon’s if any Scarlet players are interested in one :-)
  18. finnyscott


    what’s the strangest/most unique tera type you’ve found so far?

    also enjoying the trend where the gym leader’s ace isn’t the gym type, but it’s tera type is. throws me off every time
  19. Found a really cool area with some strong mons but too low of a level to catch any of them right now.

    Persian, Leafeon, Tropius, Ursaring etc
  20. Dodge725


    Heads up: I’ve found that if a Pokémon levels up to the level it’s supposed to evolve at in Let’s Go, it won’t trigger the evolution and you’ll have to wait for the next level in a battle or use a rare candy. Happened to me twice.
  21. solxace

    oh word?

  22. StepsInADance

    so much for them! Prestigious

    working all day until 11pm, just wishing i could continue on the game. i need to see what pawmo evolves into!
    JoshIsMediocre and RyanPm40 like this.
  23. spookymulder

    Does anyone know how many badges it takes until sweet apple/tart apple appear at the delibird store?
  24. finnyscott


    and also when does the fire stone appear in the store? id like my pepper boy to grow another head
    sophos34 likes this.
  25. Caught a tera Pyroar almost 10 levels higher than myself
    sophos34 likes this.