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Pokemon Video Game • Page 279

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by PyramidPostcard, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    It’s like the dorks have never heard of Shin Megami Tensei before. Actually they probably haven’t.
  2. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    It's not as if there's a ton of ROMs and fan games out there that have a much darker style of Pokemon.
    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  3. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Seriously, any of these dorks that's looking for a dark/"mature" take on monster training should just play any of the myriad SMT games that feature it. They just either don't know about them or think about them because they aren't actually the "hardcore gamers" they claim to be lol
    Jake W likes this.
  4. bluecharliedeltaecho


    I’m really hyped about Mr. Rime, Obstagoon, & Galarian Darmanitan, I definitely want them on my in-game team.
  5. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    i dont want a darker pokemon game but id be stoked for one if it was announced, and SMT to Pokemon is literal apples to oranges. im so sick of spending weeks talking about Pokemon fans instead of Pokemon.
    Leftandleaving likes this.
  6. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    All of this just makes me want to write a Pokémon game. There’s a lot of directions the series could take, I feel like so many games broke the formula recently that people were expecting a lot from Pokémon and got more of the same.
    Nick likes this.
  7. DesolateEarth


    watched a small snippet of a stream of the game because I was curious and couldn't totally hold out until tomorrow. It looks amazing and I am so much more hype!
  8. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    Are the stats of new 'mons released somewhere? Mr. Rhyme looks awesome, but I heard that his stats are a bit garbage.
  9. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

    I posted a couple pastebins a couple page back that included stats and movesets etc
    DerekIsAGooner likes this.
  10. JRShoenberger


    DerekIsAGooner likes this.
  11. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    70 base speed. Which sucks given his typing defensively and that he's slower than Mr Mime
    DerekIsAGooner likes this.
  12. DesolateEarth


    Serebii has all the new pokes and stats up now
  13. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    Thanks, everyone.
  14. DesolateEarth


  15. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

  16. bluecharliedeltaecho


    One thing I’m really gonna miss? The Ultra Beasts. I really liked their wacky designs.
  17. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    Given its location in the Pokedex, I'm assuming that Rookidee is this gen's early bird Pokemon. I hope so, because getting a Corvinknight is my #1 priority.
    JRShoenberger likes this.
  18. JRShoenberger


    It is.

    also these weather conditions are crazy and all come with different Pokémon. There’s some really cool ones available early.
    DerekIsAGooner and DesolateEarth like this.
  19. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

    Omg Polteageist just continues being everything I ever wanted
  20. DesolateEarth


    Also in the 15-20 minutes of the stream I watched I didn't see a single graphical glitch. But you know, they are clearly everywhere and ruin the experience totally :sly:
    Jake W likes this.
  21. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Darmanitan's new ability "Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat but only allows the use of the first selected move"

    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  22. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    I mean, pop in is absolutely everywhere by design.
  23. DesolateEarth


    Yeah but I don't really consider that a glitch. Maybe a slightly outdated design of loading in graphics? But that absolutely does not bother me.
  24. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Yeah it depends on how you feel about it sure, but they don’t use any of the modern graphical flourishes to make it flow better, they just pop up. It’s not a big deal at all but could be better. I’ve noticed some things don’t pop in until too late but again that’s rare and not too much of a big deal.
  25. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Actually yeah i have no idea how to evolve Applin and Jesus it’s useless. I mean I’ve grown attacked to my useless little Apple but I want to evolve it!