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Pianos Become The Teeth - Wait For Love (February 16, 2018) Album • Page 19

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by bedwettingcosmo, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I remember my reaction to repine being like, "okay, that was cool, but I don't know if i'll like a whole album of that." boy was i wrong.
  2. carrytheweird

    @KennedyBN in here ruffling feathers and so will I surely.

    Song is amazing. A great progression with a little more flare added to the sound of their previous release.

    Hiding/Dancing are the best tracks they've ever done.

    La Dispute is amazing but imo radically different in style from them, as well as vocal delivery. Even PBTT's early work is melodically/instrumentally different from what La Dispute does.

    Touché Amore had two solid post-hardcore releases and are extremely overrated, but for whatever reason get more attention and love than both bands I talk about above. I've seen them live, it's not great.
    theagentcoma and fenway89 like this.
  3. Horrorca


    KY > Rooms of the House > Is Survived By = Wildlife > Lack Long After > Parting the Sea > Between Vega > the rest of the LPs

  4. carrytheweird

    I'd never felt such hyperbole about an album in the post-hardcore community like I did with Is Survived By. And that album was so unengaging for me. I remember feeling like I was missing something and repeating listens just to be like "yeah, hate to be that guy but the early stuff is way better."
    SamLevi11 likes this.
  5. huh don't get that at all--think they improved in every way on that one
    Cameron and KidLightning like this.
  6. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Cool? I guess. But saying "I don't know how people can like keep you and not this" just stifles discussion of the actual song and shifts it towards personal taste, which is subjective. That's not even getting into the emotional connection people might have with their past work that could be missing. I just think they're pointless posts, that are very condescending and can be used to shut down people who aren't loving this song.
  7. what


    Uhhh Stage Four?
    Saephon, fenway89 and KidLightning like this.
  8. Deathco_019


    My reaction to this song is that it fills me with so much joy and it is a beacon of light
  9. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Yeah, I like Stage Four more than all but Keep You and those are really the only 2 I ever listen to with any regularity.
    fenway89 likes this.
  10. Horrorca


    fenway89 likes this.
  11. Horrorca


    I think it's great but not better than lp3 and lp2

  12. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I’m sorry you thought I came across as condescending. But honestly me saying I don’t understand it does not stifle conversation. It’s not like I said, “if you like Keep You but not this song you are wrong”. I just said I don’t get it, and I don’t.

    There is nothing more condescending in that than your post honestly. And my post was basically asking for those who don’t like it to explain why they don’t. Which seems less pointless than simply saying “I don’t like it” cause at least I’m trying to have a conversation.
  13. what


    I put it slightly above ISB and miles ahead of PTS. It has a similar effect on me that TLLA had, meaning I can't listen often anymore
  14. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    This might be the most confusing post I’ve ever read.

    Everyone post whatever you want. Lol
    fenway89 likes this.
  15. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    I really think this sounds like a hybrid of the new touché amore “rhythm section” and keep you.

    If you like either of those albums instrumentally. This song should hit a chord.
    fenway89 likes this.
  16. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I have a weird touché amore rating.
    PTSBBAM > Stage Four > ISB > TTBOADH

    I understand Stage Four is their best record, but I have an emotional attachment to PTSBBAM that keeps it my personal favorite.
  17. carrytheweird

    Dead Horse >
  18. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    this thread got weird.
    fenway89 likes this.
  19. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    fenway89 and mescalineeyes like this.
  20. SamLevi11 Nov 10, 2017
    (Last edited: Nov 10, 2017)

    Prestigious Prestigious

    100%. First time I felt like this scene had been infecting by "taste makers". That album had nothing lyrically interesting going on for me personally, even as a fan of the band previously, yet everyone was telling me how amazing and deep the lyrics were. I couldn't see it, at all.

    Then Stage Four came out and blew me away.

    Wildlife, Keep You, Everything You Ever Loved and Stage Four are all incredible records. This scene is truly amazing in it's quality. Not a single band release by any of these bands.
    carrytheweird likes this.
  21. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    While I wouldn't go as far as saying Is Survived By has "nothing interesting going on", Stage Four is just doing the same thing so much better that album has retroactively become pretty whatever
  22. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    ISB is still fantastic. Some of the posts in these last few pages make no sense.
    cubsml34, js977 and Joe4th like this.
  23. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    ISB songs go hard as fuck live so B-)
    Ken likes this.
  24. Rob Hughes

    Play the Yakuza series

    where the brackets at
    js977 likes this.
  25. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    finally one I could actually participate in, the Thrice one gave me a nervous breakdown.

    DEADBOLT or SEE YOU IN THE SHALLOWS? Sophie has had an easier choice!
    Ken likes this.