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Patrick Stump Breaks Down “Church” • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. Eml182


    No no, their pre hiatus albums are. You don’t hear a difference in instrumentation between the album and live? Stop being combative, they do things much differently in studio vs live.
  2. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    patrick is a multi instrumentalist, so is joe, they get to decide what "their" instruments are, not you. but you'll notice if you go see them live, joe and patrick play guitars, because all of their new songs have guitars all over the place as well as synths
    Jason Tate likes this.
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    im a music producer and engineer. i know how things work. not all guitars sound the same, not all drums sound the same, but its still obviously guitars and real drums just with different tones and production quality.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  4. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    I just don’t get the motivation for trying to convince people they’re wrong/lesser-than for liking an album, especially when the criteria is “most people dislike it.” Apparently, a majority of this band’s fanbase also hated Folie when it came out, so I don’t put much stock in that line of reasoning.
  5. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    I'm no fancy music producer man, but I'm pretty sure they're playing instruments and have been since this band formed.
    Chase Tremaine, sophos34 and tyramail like this.
  6. Andy and Patrick and Joe all can, and do, play it. They’ve said this billions of times now.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  8. Drew Baldy


    You figure by now people would give up on the instrument argument. It's so.......2013
  9. AOTY
    Drew Baldy likes this.
  10. Eml182


    So why is the live show them not playing the songs as they were intended to sound??

    To turn this scenario, what if Blink 182 showed up at every concert and played their songs with drum machines and synths vs live instruments?
  11. Eml182


    Except the band chooses to play live like it’s so...........2013
  12. Cause they use backing tracks.

    Then Blink would sound better live.
    sophos34 likes this.
  13. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    What's wrong with putting a different spin on things live anyway? Answer: nothing. Some bands try and replicate their albums live. Some bands try and switch it up and put a new twist on their songs to make the live experience different. Neither is better than the other approach as long as it sounds good. And fall out boy sounds excellent live.
    Mr. Serotonin and Daniel182 like this.
  14. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    The songs are intended to sound however the fuck they want them to sound. They wrote them, the songs belong to them, they can perform them however they see fit