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Paramore - After Laughter (May 12th, 2017) Album • Page 55

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ramres, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. michael_gatto


    RIP to most of this thread.

    Chorus is losing so many members because of this glorious album.
  2. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

  3. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Nice thing about Riot Fest is that it doesn't get quite as crowded as, say, Lollapalooza. Still can have pretty huge crowds, don't get me wrong, but either Paramore is going to play on one of the main stages right before one of the top 3 headliners which means they'll probably play around 7, so not as late. I saw Motion City Soundtrack around 3pm on the equivalent stage last year, and I was like front 5 rows (maybe even closer). Basically trying to say it's more doable than it maybe seems. (The other option is that they are headlining one of the slightly smaller side stages, which means about the same thing, since the crowd would be a little smaller). Ok that's probably way more information than you or anyone needed 4 months before the feestival, but I'm just really excited and I want to talk about it hahaha
  4. ramres

    Next Show: Foster the People -- 2/24

    lol they're playing Hard Times twice, starting the show and ending the show. Dying.
  5. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    I'm laughing so hard at all of this right now. This has been made so much more enjoyable because of you all.
  6. K0ta

    wrap yourself in petals for armor.

    Nooo thank you! This is all valuable information haha. I need a perfect plan of attack for Paramore. We'll be seeing each other on the barricade right??
  7. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't know it'll all depend on the schedule. There's so much I want to see, but also Paramore... I'm going to do my best haha I'll definitely get there at least a little early to make sure I'm in a good spot!
  8. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    This, Lorde, and Bleachers are gonna dominate my summer. Also I'd love to see 14 year old me's reaction to having my most anticipated albums being pure pop music.

    I'd probably call myself a sellout
  9. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    Lmfao they opened and closed with Hard Times tonight I love it
    Chase Tremaine and Aregala like this.
  10. msandusky88

    Newbie Supporter

    New Paramore, Andrew McMahon, Lorde, Haim, and Bleachers....holy shit, the music this summer is gonna rule!
  11. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    Here's the whole set

    Attached Files:

  12. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    I completely forgot about Andrew McMahon, gonna have to revisit that now that the weather has turned warmer!
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  13. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    here's a clip of Someday, one of my fave songs!
  14. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    this setlist is oh my god what the fuck they did Playing God, Turn It Off, I Caught Myself, and a cover of one of my favorite songs of all time what the FUCK
  15. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    Accidentally heard the beginning of Rose-Colored Boy and I think I'm going to like this very much.
    Chase Tremaine and Aregala like this.
  16. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm stealing this word for word.
    Chase Tremaine and jjnunn118 like this.
  17. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

    Turn it Off live. Goddamn yes please
    Dirty Sanchez and Aregala like this.
  18. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

    Haven't seen them play that since Bamboozle 2010
  19. michael_gatto


    Fuck that set list is actually perfect.
    Aregala likes this.
  20. NewSurrender

    Regular Prestigious

    This album is much better than I was expecting. Really like Pool, Grudges, Told You So and Forgiveness
    trevorshmevor and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  21. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    What a band, we are so lucky to get to enjoy this record
  22. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I just can't get over how damn rhythmic the album is, like the bass playing and drums hook up insanely well with such difficult rhythms
  23. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    Finally got home from work and I LOVE IT ALL. I immediately started tearing up as Rose-Colored Boy came on lol.

    That and Idle Worship were probably my favorites on the first listen.
    teebs41, Aregala and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  24. ramres

    Next Show: Foster the People -- 2/24

    I'm not crying, you're crying. :verysad::verysad::verysad::verysad::verysad:

  25. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm fucked up