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Paramore - After Laughter (May 12th, 2017) Album • Page 27

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ramres, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I like them all but I think they've gotten significantly better with each album.
  2. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead


  3. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    Bne is so good.

    A lot of their albums just really grew on me over the years. Just so relatable. I jam to crazy girls when I'm out driving with my SO.

    She finds it amusing that two of the writers I relate to the most are Hayley and Nate.
    Aregala, SteveLikesMusic and SpyKi like this.
  4. y2jayjk

    Trusted Prestigious

    AWKIF is still my favorite fight me

    Very pumped to hear this whole album
  5. Anti-Counter-Culture


    AWIF gets a lot of flack for being a product of its time, and it hasn't aged the most gracefully, but it'll always have its own little nook in my heart. Same with RIOT.
  6. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    truly curious what the band does on AWKIF better than any other release, other than nostalgia or a major major sound preference to that over the others I don't really know how they haven't improved over time, hah.

    I'm not doubting your love for it I'm just curious the reasoning, haha
  7. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    As I said a few pages ago, there's nothing wrong with how AWKIF has aged. It's aged a lot better than pretty much any other contemporary album and is something that I rarely if ever hear people say makes them cringe when they listen to it now (check the Fall Out Boy thread for discussion on how most people fell about TTTYG these days, for example, in contrast). It's not their technically best album, obviously, but then, "best" and "favorite" aren't necessarily the same thing.
  8. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    The fact that this album's already coming out this Friday is just...just great. This is the kind of pre-release cycle I can get behind: some cryptic social media posts, an announcement and single, another song two weeks later, album drops two weeks after that. No 3-6 month wait between announcement and release.
  9. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm hyped. Gonna go buy the CD Friday. Last time I bought a CD was last year with thrice.
    Aregala and Anthony_D'Elia like this.
  10. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Crazy Girls might be my favorite Paramore song. The way it builds is so perfect.
  11. bodkins


    Still pressing refresh every 10 seconds? :thumbdown:
  12. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    I love the little things, the way she starts out in denial, and by the end she just straight up admits it. And the way she casually says all these crazy things, which a lot of people do similarly when they're intoxicated by being in a relationship for so long. I know I've been in both ends of that relationship, and it's just so amusing to think about.

    I don't think I can pick a favorite, probably Last Hope.

  13. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    Hi my name is Jimmy and The Only Exception made me cry in the car this morning because I am a giant sap
  14. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Yep yep yep.
  15. Snewt

    Does whatever a spider can. Prestigious

    The bridge of "Told You So" is almost constantly stuck in my head.
  16. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    I don't understand people who think it's their best release, but I definitely understand holding it in high regard still.

    I think the reason AWKIF is better than its contemporaries is because they were 16 year old kids doing a style of music better than men in their mid-20s at that time. As opposed to it being the height of what they could accomplish, it was just the beginning of a long, incredible career. Not to mention that the lyrics to a lot of those songs still ring true. Many of the other albums from that era have developed into something I feel complicated to have liked, because of misogynistic lyrics or the band members themselves.
  17. ramres May 8, 2017
    (Last edited: May 8, 2017)

    Next Show: 3/20 -- Last Dinosaurs

  18. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

  19. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Damnit, I'm not listening until Friday

    Abandoning thread right now
    Anthony_D'Elia likes this.
  20. Aj LaGambina

    Hey man, we all can't be like you Supporter

  21. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    I'm not ready! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!

    I'm ready.
    Aregala likes this.
  22. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

  23. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    If it leaks at CD quality I wont be able to help myself
    Aregala likes this.
  24. Oh my jeez
  25. bring on da driiiiiip