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Palm - Nicks and Grazes (October 14, 2022)

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  2. Cody Prestigious

    song is absolutely fucking bonkers and its arrangement has not even begun to unfurl itself to me. Video is also unbelievably good. the close-up moments with the blinding light were so captivating
    ItsAndrew likes this.
  3. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  4. vein.ftm

    Trusted Prestigious

  5. Cody Prestigious

    We were lucky to have them for as long as we did. I will work as hard as I can to be front row for JBs
  6. vein.ftm

    Trusted Prestigious

    What an album to go out on though
  7. Cody Prestigious

    snagged a ticket to both philly farewell shows. cannot wait for two nights full of rhythmically inaccurate swaying/headbobbing
  8. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Watching their last Chicago show ever, never seen them before but they sound great!
  9. just put on the livestream only for the video to cut out almost immediately. audios still going. fuckin awesome. no video issues at all yesterday from what i saw even with all the weather stuff
  10. now they’ve got a fucking jeff tweedy over under playing with sound over the audio from their set, which i was still enjoying cus they were sounding great

    fucking pissed
    ItsAndrew likes this.
  11. IMG_0781.jpeg
    lmaoing at this in the chat though
    Carrow and ItsAndrew like this.
  12. Cody Prestigious

    best concert i've seen in some time...

    true icons and visionaries