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Oso Oso - Basking in the Glow (August 16, 2019) Album • Page 21

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by jordalsh, May 22, 2019.

  1. ImAMetaphor

    absence 8/20/21 Prestigious

    I’m going to be so exhausted by the end of this show.

    It’ll be my 3rd time seeing ManOrch, 6th or 7th time seeing Foxing, and first time seeing Oso I’m very excited!
  2. arewehavingfunyet


    Fuck yes, just got my ticket for MA. First time seeing Oso Oso and Foxing. Couldn't pass this line up up.
  3. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

    Great show tonight
    SlappinCups likes this.
  4. atlas


    Ye they were really good tonight. I guess I wish their drummer would hit a little bit harder though? Idk I might be nitpicking
  5. sonder

    eat my shorts, jabronis

    what an amazing album. already I’ve almost listened to this album as much as yunahon...and I liked yunahon! but I love this.

    my favorite for the last week or so has been a morning song.
  6. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    Yeah I thought there’d be no way I’d love this album even as much as Yunahon, let alone more, but here we are lol.
    sonder likes this.
  7. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Yeah this hasn’t left my rotation. Whole album is superb, but I love the stretch of Dig/One Sick Plan/A Morning Song.
  8. Noradrenaline


    I'm still spinning this. Love it so much. A Morning Song, Basking in the Glow and Charlie are some of my favourite songs this year.

    Our show this Saturday has turned into a two-day emo-festival. I'm sooo excited! So many friends will be there and I'm expecting the vibe to be amazing. We'll see if I bust out a hit for the karaoke.

  9. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I love your lifestyle are so good
    Slangster likes this.
  10. Noradrenaline


    Yes! It will be my first time seeing them actually, even though they play here regularly. Looking forward to their show too!
  11. Noradrenaline


    So, this night came and unfortunately went. Oso Oso were amazing and I got a nice chat with Jade. Spoke about The Hotelier most of the time.

    Attached Files:

    sonder and SpookinCups like this.
  12. SamLevi11

    Trusted Prestigious

    Seeing these in Birmingham, UK next week, in a really cool bar basement venue. Sold out and only 120 cap so it's gonna be sweaty as hell.

    Prince Daddy are supporting but I need to get into them.
    SpookinCups likes this.
  13. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Currently listening to this for the first time. Digging it on first listen but the effects on "one sick plan" really make me uncomfortable as I have tinnitus and it just made me feel anxious. The faint static and cutting-out vocals is how is exactly how I perceive sounds sometimes when a sound is slightly too loud and it felt super uncomfortable to be in that songs "world". Kept restarting the previous song to make sure it wasnt just my tinnitus acting up, but it's definitely one of the filters of that specific song as everything else felt fine :(

    Everything else has been a dream so far, which makes me happy, but sad that there's probably gonna be a song I'm gonna have to always skip (which is a good song writing wise too, dang).

    Anyway, back to listening. Been loving everything else so far but I had to share this experience
  14. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Okay, "impossible game" rules so hard
    gonz (Alex) and Micah511 like this.
  15. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    dang that sucks bc imo that’s one of the absolute best songs on it
    bachna84, EmmanuelSCastle and Iago like this.
  16. sorry to hear that, hopefully a good live version will show up one day and you'll be able to properly enjoy it. maybe like an audiotree version or something will happebn
    WasEmoRocknowImjustold and Iago like this.
  17. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    I had the same kind of experience with that track as well. (I have mild hyperacusis) Also unfortunate because I think it's my favorite on the record.

    The effect is definitely amplified when you are wearing headphones, so I tend to listen to this record exclusively on speakers where I am free to walk around and take in environmental sounds.
    Iago likes this.
  18. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    I was wearing headphones in a quiet room, so it defininely simulated the experience. I'll try the album again with speakers soon :]
    Snoblin likes this.
  19. Slangster

    Won "Best Hog" at the Hog Shit Snarfing Contest Supporter

    This is still top-3 of the year for me, and it might take the the top spot.
    JBoch, Noradrenaline, astereo and 4 others like this.
  20. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

    sonder, teebs41 and StuffinCups like this.
  21. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    you can also download them for free
    sonder likes this.
  22. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    They were fantastic tonight in Chicago. Missed them when they came on their headliner so I am very glad they came back on this tour.
  23. who else has spent AT LEAST half of their 2019 singing "my eyes lit up when i saaaaawww it"
  24. yes I know thats not technically possible since this came out in august or whatever
  25. mattylikesfilms


    I wish this record resonated with me more.