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O'Brother - You and I (May 1, 2020) Album • Page 10

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by The Mysterious, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Is this on Apple Music? Can’t seem to find it.
  2. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    airik625 likes this.
  3. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Love to see it
  4. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    waking season likes this.
  5. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Also this is such a grower. I kept coming back, and finding so many layers to this. They really put a lot of work in.
    waking season likes this.
  6. Scarecrow Boat


    I really need to revisit it! I feel like it’s better experienced as a whole, I just need to find the time to listen to it all at once
    Cameron and waking season like this.
  7. loudasallgetout

    Trusted Supporter

    Dreary morning here so I'm playing this loud. So good.
    coleslawed, Cameron and waking season like this.
  8. The_Pioneer


    This is my first O’brother record. I got it back when it was released on that bandcamp day because I wanted to give it a try, but didn’t really listen to it then.

    However, this week I went on some late night walks with this thing and it is really something. It’s like heavy, but also very delicate, and pretty, but also creepy. It’s so different to things I’ve listened to. Lyrics are also really good.

    Those drums coming in on the back half of Black Tide, that “not much better” part in You and I, and Killing Spree might be my favorite moments so far.

    Idk, this thing is something else. I definitely need to spend more time with it.
  9. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    It’s super dreary out today so I’m revisiting this, still so good. Can’t wait for my vinyl copy to show up.
    Cameron likes this.
  10. atlas


    My record came today! nice lil stamped note by Jordan inside too
    dylan, Cameron and waking season like this.
  11. loudasallgetout

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh sweet. Did you get tracking info or no?
  12. yeah my copy showed up yesterday without any shipping
    loudasallgetout likes this.
  13. atlas


    not that i remember, it just showed up
    loudasallgetout likes this.
  14. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    Check your order info page to see if it shipped. Mine shipped on Wednesday, and I also didn't get tracking info.
  15. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just got mine today, I got a shipping notification but no tracking. It said it was supposed to be here August 11th.
    Argus likes this.
  16. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    Which pressing(s) did you get? All the pictures I've seen so far look even better than the mock-ups.
  17. atlas


    I got the first pressing and it doesn’t really look like the mock up but any splatter on black never does so I’m not mad about it
    waking season and Anthony Brooks like this.
  18. Anthony Brooks

    brook183 Supporter

    Same. it’s not much of a splatter
  19. loudasallgetout

    Trusted Supporter

    Where are you finding pictures? I did a quick search and found nothing.
  20. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    Second pressing.
    MexicanGuitars and waking season like this.
  21. loudasallgetout

    Trusted Supporter

    That's beautiful. It's the one I got. Hopefully it looks the same :)
    Argus likes this.
  22. getting this in the mail was a nice reminder it’s one of the best things out this year
  23. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I got the first one, not the prettiest but still love it
  24. The_Pioneer


    This thing is still probably in my top 3.

    It’s such a strange album because I feel like I can only listen to it during specific times/places, but it’s really special at those moments. Like I don’t think it would feel right to play this during the daytime lol.
  25. Oh apparently mine shipped a week and a half ago, got no email about it but I should keep an eye out by the looks of things!
    Mary V likes this.