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Nu Metal Genre • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by JordanKTM, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    Have you heard A Pale Horse Named Death?
    RIYL Type O Negative, Alice In Chains
    riotspray likes this.
  2. riotspray likes this.
  3. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    I feel like I listened to their most recent album when it came out and enjoyed it, but I don't really remember it, so I'll have to give it another spin.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  4. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    Glad there's another fan. They have a couple other decent records, but this was the one that really hit for me.
  5. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

  6. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    40 Below Summer’s drummer is Morgan from Sevendust’s son.
    riotspray likes this.
  7. Jbent


    Spineshank anyone?
  8. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    riotspray, KidLightning and Jbent like this.
  9. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    I just came in here hoping to find someone to talk about Life Is Peachy by Korn with
  10. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    Life is Peachy is probably my favorite record of theirs. Although I only really care for the first 3 albums.
  11. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    anybody remember reveille? i liked them a lot when i was in high school but they haven’t done anything in 15+ years as far as i can tell.

    anyway...i listened to their latest album today when i was mowing the lawn and it was definitely a blast from the past!

    riotspray and Nate_Johnson like this.
  12. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    also one of my favorites of theirs! good god and mr. rogers are :fire:
  13. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I saw them open for Sevendust and they were great!
    riotspray and bachna84 like this.
  14. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    their singer passed away recently :/
    riotspray and Nate_Johnson like this.
  15. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    I’m bummed they only put out two albums!
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  16. Jbent


    Excluding the last 14 years, I love Fear Factory. Those first 5 albums are all good.
  17. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    Damn, that song has Scooter Ward from Cold in it! Talk about another good band! I saw them open for Staind and Godsmack.
    riotspray and bachna84 like this.
  18. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    I never got into them much other than their first two albums, but both of those were good!
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  19. Jbent


    It may not be trve nu metal but the album Tearing Down Your Blue Skies by Diecast rules, and its close enough.
    riotspray and Nate_Johnson like this.
  20. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I would say that is more metalcore but it is still a great album,
  21. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    this thread is a hidden gem
  22. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I think we should start talking new Nu Metal bands!
    bachna84 likes this.
  23. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Davjs and bachna84 like this.
  24. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    DesolateEarth and Nate_Johnson like this.
  25. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    i can’t say i’ve kept up with many new bands! who’s worth a listen?