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Norma Jean - All Hail (October 26, 2019) Album • Page 15

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by airik625, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. atlas


    I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt after the myriad ignorant shit he's said before. Unless he can tangibly show that he knows he fucked up and needs to do better (which he's never done) I don't fuckin care
  2. mattylikesfilms


    That’s very fair. I’m definitely holding out on listening to NJ for a little bit til I see how Corey addresses this.

    Chris and Legs from Hundred Suns/Teeth (Teeth is fucking bad ass - everyone should check them out) Have been highly vocal in their support for this cause/movement/revolution which has been nice to see.
  3. 333 GANG


    It’s one vile thing after another with him. He doesn’t get anymore second chances. Good riddance.
    phaynes12, Jake W and awakeohsleeper like this.
  4. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    He kind of... tried to apologize? He needs to just shut up for a minute. This is the end of a whole thread of tweets from him.
  5. phaynes12 Prestigious

    he’s been doing this shit for years. no apology means anything from him at this point. fuck him
  6. amorningofsleep

    No Fun. Not Ever.

    I was honestly waiting to see if he would post something like this. Not surprised at all.
  7. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    Nothing wrong with that.
  8. mattylikesfilms


    I’ve been in the NJ Facebook group “Normachine” for a while now and it’s always been super peaceful... until now.

    Holy shit is it a nightmare over there right now.

    Aside from the fact that there’s tons of bro’s saying “libs need to chill the fuck out - this is why no one likes you”. Everyone is saying this isn’t even a real thing and that no ones even seen the BLM gif before. I was about to take a screenshot from a few of my friend’s pages to show that gif being used but what’s the point? People like that refuse to see the other side.

    They’re also shit talking ETID and Stray From The Path because members called Corey out. Woof.
  9. mattylikesfilms


    He did apologize though:

  10. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    yeesh, right as i was getting started
  11. phaynes12 Prestigious

    nah that ain’t it
  12. He's always resorting to the same tactics. How many times will he pull the "you're all being emotional blahblahblah" card then goes on another edgy rant a few days/weeks/months later anyway? Dude clearly needs to educate himself, shut up, and listen. Shutting off his social media at the same time would be good because he's also enabling the worst side of Norma Jean's fanbase with this shit.
  13. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    He absolutely knew what that gif was used for lol.
  14. mattylikesfilms


    Yeah... I find it hard to believe that he didn't know because what was the use of posting that in the first place? FWIW he did post support for the movement and call for justice but I really hope Corey learns a lot from this bad move.

  15. disambigujason


    coleslawed, Blainer93 and 333 GANG like this.
  16. phaynes12 Prestigious

    if given the chance to be anti-racism or anti-fascism, he’s constantly chosen to fall against those choices. he can try to run it back but people have receipts for years on him. honestly, if you listen to anything other than the debut from them now, you’re facilitating his behavior
    coleslawed and 333 GANG like this.
  17. phaynes12 Prestigious

    they’ve always been second (or third) tier metalcore at best, anyways
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    So fucked, his wife is trying to say he accidentally posted that or something? Wat?

    Fuck him.
    333 GANG likes this.
  19. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Also if in your apology you say "I think people are extremely emotional right now (which is to be expected) but I dont think everyone is thinking rationally enough because of it."

    Then nah lol, you're still trying to push some of the blame on the other party. If he wanted to really apologize he'd fuckin do it and own the fuck up no if ands or buts.
  20. Yep it's typical guilt-tripping behavior, I doubt he actually shows remorse.
    SmashRipsaw, Bane and yeahrightdude like this.
  21. GraveDigger

    Trusted Prestigious

    Cory knew exactly what he was doing when he posted that gif. I'm sure he feels bad because some fans reached out to him but there's been so much of this that he's gotten away with forever and people kind of just gave him a pass after the initial outrage.
  22. atlas


    one way he can show he's actually learned something and actually gives a shit this time is by talking with his wallet instead of with his mouth
  23. GraveDigger

    Trusted Prestigious

    I mean, donating money is one thing but this is at least the fifth time someone has called him out on his ignorant bullshit and it keeps happening. He's never going to learn.
    333 GANG likes this.
  24. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Man I hadn’t read Mindy White’s name in a minute. Remember States? Maybe I’ll listen to that Lydia album soon...
  25. mattylikesfilms


    He made a post on the NJ Facebook with a long apology and mentioned that he made a donation.

    *not saying that excuses anything but I’m glad he did it*