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Nintendo Video Game • Page 462

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by zigbigwig, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

  2. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    Thinking about pre-ordering Captain Toad. I really enjoyed the demo. Has anyone played the WiiU version?
  3. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    I’m legitimately sad that my Octopath demo reached the three hour point. It’s going to be a release day purchase for me
  4. you vandal


    Yes, and it was awesome. Totally worth it!
  5. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    The first three puzzles didn't take me very long, I'm assuming the game is pretty short? Or does it start to stretch out as the difficulty ramps up?
  6. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    Is there co-op or just single player? My wife would love playing with me.
  7. Taketimeandfind


    Ok so I have never played fortnite or anything like it. I had downloaded it but while I was at work some how my son set it up and created an account. He’s 3 so he has no idea what he’s doing obviously. Is there a way to erase what he created and start a new profile? Like I have no idea on the controls or how to play this damn thing. It’s super frustrating especially because he thinks I know everything lol
    Joel and sean_rugy like this.
  8. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    Holy shit that is too funny, I'm sure there may be an easier way but I would just say uninstall and reinstall.
    sean_rugy likes this.
  9. Taketimeandfind


    I deleted save data and that did nothing. So maybe I do have to uninstall and reinstall
    sean_rugy likes this.
  10. sean_rugy

    select all delete Prestigious

    I have no answers, I just think it’s hilarious. Sorry!
  11. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just so you know, there’s no tutorials or anything. So if that’s the reason for wanting to start a fresh profile, good luck lol. The game does not teach you how to play it even a little bit.
  12. Taketimeandfind


    Yeah my son is crazy. I come home from work and find out he’s been playing splatoon all day. He got to level 12 on his own and he’s bought all these weapons. He plays breath of the wild and he breaks all my weapons and uses all my arrows and eats all my food

    He’s pretty good at breath of the wild. He’s taken out guardians before though it was mostly luck. He knows when he has to eat and when he doesn’t because he has miphas grace. He knows what clothes to use for certain weather and to wear the thunder helm when there’s lightning.

    I can no longer play games without him taking the controller from me.
    ChiliTacos, dotKev, zigbigwig and 4 others like this.
  13. Taketimeandfind


    Good to know. Just want to be able to change the profile name from a bunch of random letters and what not
    VanMastaIteHab likes this.
  14. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    Ya sound like a great dad
  15. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    Been addicted to Splatoon 2 again recently. Been doing salmon run rounds with 4 people and that’s fun.

    Team Splatfest, not so much. Everyone’s so good already. I had to do Solo Splatfest just to reach No Pulp Queen/King

    Also my SO and I each bought a pair of the water gun dualies replica. And they work great. Can’t wait to take them to the beach lol
    ikanacanyon likes this.
  16. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    Most important part was hearing you're on the right team.
    ikanacanyon and zigbigwig like this.
  17. StepsInADance

    so much for them! Prestigious

    just got to the capital city in hollow knight and jesus christ this game is so beautiful. i can't for the life of me find the map guy though.
    recall reality and clucky like this.
  18. dotKev


    Impressive. My 4.5 year old has a really hard time with anything outside of Mario Kart because of aiming / needing to control the camera. He wants to play but then gets bored because he can't maneuver both analog sticks. It's a work in progress.
    Taketimeandfind likes this.
  19. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    this is where speedrunners just break games and have fun for 7 days

    nintendo games will be there yes
    zigbigwig and Mrplum5089 like this.
  20. Kennedy Prestigious

    Fortnite sucks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  21. Vase Full Of Rocks

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't think it sucks, but I would say I don't think it's very good. It does a very bland and mediocre concept well.
    Kennedy likes this.
  22. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    idk I'm having a blast with it despite being terrible
  23. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    What’s the competition like for Fortnite in an average game? Is there just no hope for newcomers at this point with how long it’s been out?
  24. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    it's pure RNG for wins tbh you'll have those people who will consistently make top 10 but if you are smart anyone can take a win.
    Contender likes this.
  25. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Supporter

    I’ve won twice and I’ve barely played the game