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Nintendo [ARCHIVED] Video Game • Page 383

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by zigbigwig, Mar 31, 2016.

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  1. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    I can't wait to get home from work and give it some decent play time. Only done the first couple chapters, and NitW will take over next week

    I just can't play as much as I used to (damn adulting)
  2. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    How many chapters are there? I'm assuming 10?
  3. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    ChiliTacos likes this.
  4. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    @zigbigwig you caved!? Hell yes

    @DickyCullz I missed a strawberry in the first chapter and watched someone playing to figure out where it was, there were so many ways they traversed shit that I did differently which goes to show how the move set is versatile
    zigbigwig likes this.
  5. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    8 but of the 3 I've played they get progressively longer. The hotel was a journey
    ChiliTacos likes this.
  6. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm in the hotel now and it's fucking nuts. I'm cleaning it up right now haha.
  7. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    Sort of. I already planned on buying it.

    @sean_rugy @The Lucky Moose dont let your dreams be dreams just do it
    The Lucky Moose and Joel like this.
  8. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    good luck lmao
    ChiliTacos likes this.
  9. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    I’m scared to play it
    zigbigwig likes this.
  10. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    seriously my heart is melting, and the fact that it’s a tough as nails platformer - such a weird but really effective combination.

    to anyone worried about the difficulty just do assist mode. Just going through the story is already worth it, and the game doesn’t make you feel bad about it at all.

    What a way to start 2018
  11. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

    Man all the love for Celeste in here will probably what gets me to put down the money for it this weekend.
    ChiliTacos and zigbigwig like this.
  12. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm going back to chapter one and two. Not to get all the collectibles, but just bc I want to play them again haha.
  13. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    have you completed it already?!

    I've only just got home from work. Dinner or Celeste? Dinner or Celeste
  14. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    Noooo I think I'm about halfway through Chapter 3 haha. I just felt like going back.
  15. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    Im so glad you like it, I am happy I didn't steer anyone astray. Apparently Theo has an instagram which I'm about to seek out
    zigbigwig and ChiliTacos like this.
  16. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    I’ll eventually go back and get the strawberries I think. I love that they don’t do anything other than just add a bit more gameplay and challenges
  17. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    zigbigwig likes this.
  18. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  19. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    I saw that too when updating my app just now lmao I screamed
  20. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    Does Celeste play well with the analog stick? Because I wouldn't want to play it docked (I also don't have a pro controller).
  21. ugman_2000

    Trusted Prestigious

    Update: I have no willpower, I caved and bought Celeste.
    zigbigwig likes this.
  22. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    It’s manageable. I’ve strictly been playing handheld mode.
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  23. Ben Jan 27, 2018
    (Last edited: Jan 27, 2018)

    Trusted Prestigious

    HOKY SHIT that last sequence of Chapter 3.
  24. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Mr Oshiro can GTFO. Died so many times
    ChiliTacos likes this.
  25. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fuck the wind in Chapter 4 tho for real haha.
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