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Nine Inch Nails Band • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by OhTheWater, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. EngineDown

    formerly known as chill yoshi

    same. deconstructed sounds tight
  2. TheWater(s)

    Kiss The Sky Prestigious

    I'm fucking amped
  3. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Can we travel in time 7 days and have it right fucking NOW?
    kidwithhelmet and airik625 like this.
  4. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    cant be the only one to think that cover art is TLOP inspired?
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  6. cherrywaves


  7. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

  8. EngineDown

    formerly known as chill yoshi

    hesitation marks kinda sits disappointingly in their discography but i'm very stoked. atticus joining full time rules.
  9. cherrywaves


    I mean it wasn't the first thing I thought of but I see your train of thought
    airik625 likes this.
  10. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Ordered that Fragile: Deviations 4xLP. Looks amazing.
    kidwithhelmet likes this.
  11. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    At least I don't regret selling my original pressing of The Fragile as much anymore.
  12. kidwithhelmet


    I am soooooooo fucking excited, but what an awful time for this to come out. I'm tapped out after holiday shopping.
  13. I'm tempted to order the Downward Spiral and The Fragile LPs...
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  15. cherrywaves


    Seriously, those are two "bucket list" purchases
  16. ugman_2000

    Trusted Prestigious

    So we ended up with both whoop. I pre-ordered The Fragile remaster and the new EP, was so lucky this got announced the same week I got my xmas bonus.
    kidwithhelmet likes this.
  17. Horrorca


    I need that

    airik625 likes this.
  18. Horrorca


    OK I gave in and now I ordered this shit and a Fragile shirt and I don't really have a turntable in this city but fuck it this is going to go hard AF
    airik625 likes this.
  19. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    He released it a day early to whose who bought it, holy hell its fantastic!
  20. kidwithhelmet


    ughhhhhhh i want this to be on Apple Music so bad right now...
  21. Antsman41


    ...this new EP is wonderful, has a Broken feel with a hint of newer style Trent.
  22. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

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  24. EngineDown

    formerly known as chill yoshi

    well this rules huh
  25. TheWater(s)

    Kiss The Sky Prestigious

    Two friends texted saying this is boring but I'd rather not be friends with them anymore and trust everyone here. Can't wait to listen
  26. somethingwitty


    Best thing Trent has done since The Fragile...sonically it shares a lot with Broken...very heavy, very dark...sounds like a response to 2016 in general...
  27. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    There was times listening where I thought some songs could fit on Broken and not be out of place and some on The Fragile. Its like a combo of my 2 favorite Nine Inch Nails eras.
  28. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    kidwithhelmet likes this.
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