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NFL Gameday Week 3 • Page 4

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Max_123, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. The Mysterious

    Yes...but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts

    Enunwa has bailed us out so many times already this season
  2. dotKev


    Enunwa so good
  3. MyBestFiend

    go birds Supporter

    Geez Tyrod
  4. DooDooBird


    Tyrod is such garbage.
  5. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    Baker has to come in right
  6. MyBestFiend

    go birds Supporter

    That said, I wouldn't put Mayfield out there behind that line lol
    Zach likes this.
  7. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    Taylor isn't playing well but the Browns OL is the bigger issue
  8. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m just so honored we get this TNF game.
    The Mysterious likes this.
  9. DooDooBird


    True, but you can't blame the line for Tyrod not hitting that wide open dude in stride. Such an easy TD. Should be tied up.
    dotKev likes this.
  10. dotKev


    Tyrod is blowing it but no chance Baker comes in
  11. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

    I actually love this game
    PeacefulOrca and dotKev like this.
  12. The Mysterious

    Yes...but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts

    Powell's burst and vision off the line is owning Crowell's currently
  13. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Dennison looks happy as hell
  14. DooDooBird


    It drives me nuts Powell doesn't get the TD though. Fantasy purposes.
  15. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    enunwa bodysurfing haha
  16. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Wait till McGuire comes back, it's gonna get worse
  17. DooDooBird


    Nice celebration there by Crowell.
  18. xkj1985x

    Go Dawgs! Prestigious

    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  19. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    What the hell is up with clevelands defense?
  20. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    what an asshole. lol
    The Mysterious likes this.
  21. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

  22. williek311

    @wearthicksocks Prestigious

    I hate the Browns
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  23. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I wanted this to end in a tie
  24. dotKev


    Hopefully Hue Jackson gets fired tonight
  25. The Mysterious

    Yes...but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts

    It's very few times I've heard a crowd boo so loudly it ends up disrupting their own offense lol