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NFL Gameday Divisional Round Football • Page 3

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Texas Flood, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. dadbolt

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Cowboys, Falcons, Pats, Chiefs

    pls don't come to town and embarrass us Aaron Rodgers
    Chris Yates and Joe4th like this.
  2. Max_123

    Nope. Supporter

    Honestly anyone but the Chiefs. I'd even take another NE championship over them :poop:
    Texas Flood likes this.
  3. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Packers, hawks, pats, chiefs
  4. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    BirdPerson, theagentcoma and dadbolt like this.
  5. JRShoenberger


    I forgot Pittsburgh destroyed KC earlier this year. I feel like Sunday will be closer though.
    Whatjuliansaid likes this.
  6. Whatjuliansaid

    News on once the clouds are gone. Prestigious

    They'll probably lose, cause they lost to the Dolphins and beat them so now the reverse plus the ben ankle thing
  7. chcougar1


    I just don't see how Seattle can beat Atlanta. Too banged up and Atlanta is on fire.

    I could see the Packers upsetting the Cowboys though, even though this season has felt like a set up for Cowboys versus Pats in the super bowl.
    Chris Yates likes this.
  8. GreatBeardRecs

    Vibes Are Dead Supporter

    Texans, Cowboys, Steelers, Seahawks
    dadbolt likes this.
  9. CarpetElf

    benjamin please Prestigious

    Texans, Chiefs, Falcons, Cowboys

    That's what I want.

    Patriots, Steelers, Seahawks, Packers

    That's what will happen.
    BirdPerson and Fucking Dustin like this.
  10. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    Chiefs, Cowboys, Texans, Packers is what I'd like
    dadbolt likes this.
  11. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Wait. The Packers and the Cowboys? How exactly would that work?
  12. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    Whoops I meant to say seahawks not packers. I don't like the seahawks either so i guess I just ignored them haha
    scottlechowicz likes this.
  13. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Haha. Gotcha.
  14. cryates

    Trusted Prestigious

    You don't like the Seahawks, but would like them to advance?
  15. Deathco_019


    I want the Falcons, Texans, Chiefs, and Packers, but I can't help but think three of those teams aren't gonna make it through the weekend
  16. Falcons, Packers, Steelers, Pats
  17. Fucking Dustin

    Professional wife haver Supporter

    This exactly, except I think the Falcons will win.

    The Packers are one of the few teams that can get me rooting for the Cowboys.
    CarpetElf and dadbolt like this.
  18. enlliac

    The Real Azor Ahai

    I'm a Ravens and Panthers fan, so I'm rooting for teams going against Steelers//Falcons
  19. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    let's go packers!
    SmithBerryCrunch likes this.
  20. dadbolt

    Prestigious Prestigious

    GrantCloud and Fucking Dustin like this.
  21. Ben

    Trusted Prestigious

    hell yeah dad
    dadbolt likes this.
  22. Owlex

    free snewt Prestigious

    Chiefs played about as badly as they could that first quarter against the Steelers. They were down 29 after the first quarter. They're not built to come back against that, it was over early (and also in Pittsburgh). I'd expect this game to be a lot closer.
  23. I don't know, it really all depends if KC can prevent the big play. If they can I think they will be fine, if they can't I think you guys should win pretty easy.
  24. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    Seahawks 38 Falcons 33
    Chiefs 19 Steelers 17
    Patriots 38 Texans 9
    Cowboys 28 Packers 27
  25. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Falcons 31 Seahawks 23
    Steelers 26 Chiefs 20
    Patriots 30 Texans 13
    Packers 38 Cowboys 34
    Chris Yates likes this.