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New Eve 6 EP Coming Next Year

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.


    Fans might be more surprised to learn that new Eve 6 music is on the way — the reason Collins recently began tweeting more from the band’s account. Within the next two months, Eve 6 (Collins, Hilzinger and guitarist Jon Siebels) are set to release Black Nova (Velocity Records), a self-produced EP mostly recorded in Siebels’ downtown Los Angeles apartment.


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    kelseyleigh likes this.
  2. cricketandclover Dec 30, 2020
    (Last edited: Dec 30, 2020)

    Things have changed.

    I'd have had it ready to go like, next week, to REALLY capitalize on the noise, but I'm excited.
  3. failinginplace


    his tweets recently have been fucking hilarious
    SpinelessYesBloke and Jusscali like this.
  4. Orla

    little old lady Prestigious

    Also enjoying the @Eve6 tweets a great deal. Wouldn’t have guessed Max would be great at Twitter, but I’m here for it.
  5. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Just release it. Leak it. You can’t buy publicity like their Twitter account has lately.
    sawhney[rusted]2 and Raku like this.
  6. AsfAstAswegofar


    How did everyone feel about Speak in Code? I loved it. I realized this week that Eve 6 is a pretty important band to me. One of the first pop punk albums I bought was self-titled. I remember looking up what words meant when Horrorscope came out because Max Collins used "big words" for me at the time, it's all in your head hit during a tumultuous time for me dealing with alcohol and anxiety and then speak in code, was there to lift me up when I got out of that cycle, that and my sister bonded with me over our love for pop punk while listening to that album.

    TL;DR Max Collins of Eve 6 helped me learn English. :p
  7. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Speak In Code was half good, half bad in my mind. Stuff like "Trust Me," "BFGF" and "Blood Brothers" are just so so so so so so far below the first three records
    AsfAstAswegofar likes this.
  8. AsfAstAswegofar


    I actually love Trust Me for some reason even thought its cheesy as all hell. Definitely agree that it's the least good in regards to substance but ah well. lol
  9. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Yep. Bad management (both band and label) to not put it out immediately.
  10. Stevie


    I didn't get into this band until around 2008 but totally fell head over heels for Horrorscope and It's All In Your Head and still love those albums to this day... Dunno why Inside Out didn't connect with me, feels like quite a different album... Always intrigued to hear new Eve 6!