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Netflix/Hulu/HBOMax/Prime (All Streaming Services) • Page 1289

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by popdisaster00, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Dodge725


    First episode of Orphan Black: Echoes is fine, I guess. No where near the start the original show had.
  2. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Pumped for Foley tbf though
  3. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    I’m pumped for BHC4 but have no idea how the budget is so high.
    Jusscali likes this.
  4. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    We never hear about a Netflix project with a low budget

    who’s running that place
    imthegrimace likes this.
  5. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    This guy

    Attached Files:

    Zilla and imthegrimace like this.
  6. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

  7. imthegrimace Jun 30, 2024 at 11:45 AM
    (Last edited: Jun 30, 2024 at 2:40 PM)

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    Apparently a movie with Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman was released on Netflix this week?
  8. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    What kind of move?
    brothemighty, Cameron and irthesteve like this.
  9. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band Supporter

    Yup and it has a budget of $600 million. Biggest budget for a movie ever
    Zilla likes this.
  10. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Zilla and Texas Flood like this.
  11. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    phaynes12 and Texas Flood like this.
  12. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

  13. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    Yeah, A Family Affair. It was a clever and fun rom-com. Kind of ridiculous at times, but made for an enjoyable watch.
  14. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    imthegrimace likes this.
  15. Halitosis Jones

    Howdy y'all!

    Interview With A Vampire season 2 finale ruled. Lot of cool shit they can do with this now .

    Wondering how did Daniel get turned?
    Freud likes this.
  16. brothemighty


    is Malcolm the only one that hasn't come back yet
  17. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    I think it's a remake of the Hathaway movie that just came out two months ago.
  18. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

  19. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

  20. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Looks fantastic

    Serenity Now and Shakriel like this.
  21. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Holy shit what a finale. Can't wait for the next! The reunion at the end, damn. Stellar performances all around.

    Armand turned him. At the end when they were talking, he asked Louie "I'm guessing you haven't heard from my maker" and Louie replied "no, and I'm sorry you were turned out of spite, I shouldn't have left you alone with him."
    Halitosis Jones likes this.
  22. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    SpyKi likes this.
  23. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    we've been having really shitty days all around in my household. decided we needed some good old fashioned brainrot and finally binged through the first season of Smiling Friends in one go. this is exactly what we needed.
  24. phaynes12 Prestigious

    ill be watching
    Michael Belt likes this.
  25. Best show. Hang in there!
    Michael Belt likes this.