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My Chemical Romance Getting Their Tease On

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Behind the Barricade Jul 20, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 21, 2016)
    Behind the Barricade

    I want a 10 year tour but I have a feeling it'll be a vinyl.

    Edit: Close enough
  3. pbueddi


    please be a new album!
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  4. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

  5. Bryan Diem


    Fuck. Please be playing the Thursday reunion show on the 30th
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  6. Best of the mall emo bands
    FTank likes this.
  7. DearCory


    Not sayin, just sayin:
    "Check back soon for more details on the upcoming tour."
    beachdude42 and hypernights. like this.
  8. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    So it's your favorite band but you wouldn't be excited about a reunion tour? That doesn't make any sense.
  9. Thursdaysox

    We know it from the silence

    Tour dates and I'm there as fuck.
  10. TDenverFan


    Wonder if they'll be back back or just reuniting for a 10 year tour
  11. Behind the Barricade

    Unless I missed something, the top code just says MCR X Anniversary. No mention of a tour unfortunately but I'm still hoping.
  12. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    To respond to a couple posts above -

    I believe that vinyl is old news and was an old splash page on the website...not related to this

    The tour dates page has always been like that, so no new news there unfortunately.
  13. fbrrocks


    If it a tour it had to be after Frank's fall tour that's already booked I know it's coming to my state and ppl wouldn't tell me when
  14. Behind the Barricade

    Like I said in the Thursday Starland show thread, expect the unexpected with those shows.
  15. simplejack

    Still Alive

    what a year for comebacks!!
  16. Bryan Diem


  17. Behind the Barricade

    Unfortunately, nothing but I have a good feeling Starland and MCR will team up for something.
  18. Bryan Diem


    That's comforting though. I got a similar feeling when I saw I got an email from then where the subject line didn't include the word "sale"
  19. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    holy shit...
  20. Bryan Diem


    Not trying to be a jerk, but nothing after TBP was "intended" according to Gerard. I know I've kinda set my brain on "no more MCR even though they are my favorite band" so this is weird for me too.


    I already know a lot of their hardcore fans are going to get their hopes up thinking they're reuniting and even writing a new album. Most likely not the case, I would say if that were to ever happen it would still be a few years down the road. Either way, stoked on whatever this news brings, it's been too long since any mcr activity...


    Gerard has said in the past that he, "feels like a piece of shit for making money off of his passion/creations." Honestly I feel that Danger Days was more for the fans than the band themselves. Not to say there wasn't any passion involved in the writing process, but nonetheless not surprised they disbanded after releasing the album and touring it a good while, kinda saw it coming.
  23. Bryan Diem


    I take him being that open about his disappointment as pretty good evidence that he's actually passionate about coming back.


    That's all we can hope for. All the dudes in the band have been doing their own solo gigs for the past few years, hopefully they hashed out whatever they needed to and can write together again.
    tommymcphail likes this.
  25. CMilliken


    Hoping for a tour. I've never seen them live.