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MUTEMATH – “Used to” Video

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 24, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    MUTEMATH’s new video for “Used To” debuted on Jimmy Fallon’s Tumblr. See, this is why I stopped even trying to get exclusives from big artists, I can’t compete with that!

  2. jorbjorb

    7 rings

    Love this band !
  3. heymattrick

    Sending my love

    So stoked to see these guys with Twenty One Pilots this summer. "Best of Intentions", "Joy Ride", and "Stratosphere" are killer.
  4. This video only did 5k views all day.

    Hopeless's new signing is at 8k already.
  5. carlosonthedrums

    Cooler than a polar bear's toenails Prestigious


    I truly hoped this record would help them reach those elusive heights, but I feel like they're always gonna be a little too weird for consistent mainstream success. My wife mentioned that they get played on the Pandora pop stations, so that's definitely awesome, but seeing such low numbers is kind of disheartening. These guys deserve so much more. Hell, they deserved it after Armistice.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  6. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    Like on Light Up, I feel the lyrics in the chorus are too hard to decifer for it to have been a big hit. I've read the lyrics and can't even tell what he says for some of it(but I love the song and album to death).

    Not saying the song should have been done differently or anything.

    Hopefully this tour will be a huge stepping stone for them..... I don't see how it won't.

    (Btw "Composed" leading into this song is just perfect)
  7. dee

    I can feel the butterflies.

    So sad they cancelled their Australian tour. I definitely need to see them live one day!