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Motion City Soundtrack Band • Page 15

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Nah, Boxelder is great
  2. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

  3. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Boxelder is fantastic and EIIKM has way more highlights and is much more consistent than MDL.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  4. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    On MDL I'm not a big fan of History Lesson or Delirium (though it does have a cool bridge). Her Words Destroyed My Planet is just ok as far as their singles go. I love Stand Too Close and pretty much everything after it
  5. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Hysteria is probably my least favorite on MDL. Just sort of uninspired compared to the rest of the album.
  6. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    The verse is the worst part of Delirium for me, ha. Maybe my least favourite part of the whole album honestly. I've grown to kind of dig the verses but I'm still not a big fan of that song. Her Words is probably my favourite song on that album at this point though, I loooove that song.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  7. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    My favorite is probably Stand Too Close. The run of that, Pulp Fiction, and @!#?@! is great

    Agree about Hysteria being a little generic, it's catchy and fun though
    JRGComedy likes this.
  8. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Losing Control might be my least favorite Motion City Soundtrack song
  9. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Yeah i hate that song.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  10. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yep, that run is very good
    ChaseTx likes this.
  11. devenstonow


    CTTM is really hitting/connective with me today
    inwaves and bradsonemanband like this.
  12. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    It is their best and it's not close, for me
    Kuri44 likes this.
  13. devenstonow


    I've obviously listened to it too many times to count, but like, I never realized until today how it pretty much describes me to a t (with less alcohol)
  14. That Facebook post had me freaking out for all of five seconds. Also, Pierre's beard is awesome
    inwaves, mattfreaksmeout and ChaseTx like this.
  15. inwaves


    My heart leapt and quickly plummeted. And his beard is indeed majestic.
  16. Olyphantastic

    "See you in the car! Best wishes" -Milhouse Supporter

    Beardicus returns.
  17. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    That was a cruel post
  18. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I was just doing some cleaning out through the pics/videos on my phone and I stumbled across the video I took of the end of their last concert, and now I'm emotional about it all over again. I'm ready for them to come back now.
    bradsonemanband and Contender like this.
  19. inwaves


    I just miss them so much.
  20. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    CTTM still means the world to me as I've blabbed about many many many times in this thread and others. Their entire discography still holds such a dear place in my heart. They may not be my "favorite" band anymore, but I can't think of another catalog that's had as much sheer emotional resonance as this bands.

    I am attempting to change
    After years of destruction
    Don't be alarmed I'm still stupid, awkward, anxious, and a terrible bore
    But I'm excited these days
    It's the strangest sensation
    I only wish I were younger so I'd have more time to explore
    felipecardel, ChaseTx, Kuri44 and 2 others like this.
  21. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Kuri44 and troyplaysbass like this.
  22. Kuri44


    Man, just looking at their album covers bring about good memories and feelings
  23. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Are you all aware of the PS bonus tracks "Everything Is Fine" and "Inside Out"? Because they are quite good if not.

    Just going through all my MCS stuff and getting emotional. I have like 96 MCS songs and a memory attached to each one, even if its just a small moment.
    inwaves likes this.
  24. PatRFinley

    Early Onset Grump LFGM Supporter

    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  25. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Inside Out was one off single before the album. Never heard of Everything is Fine, where can I hear it?