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Motion City Soundtrack Band • Page 134

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    First of all, so sorry to hear you're going through a hard time. Hope things turn around soon for you

    As far as the album, I get why you/people would say it's sad, but at the end of the day I think it's really an album about acceptance and moving past the hurt. Maybe through that lens it can bring some comfort?
    SpeckledSouls and clockwise like this.
  2. clockwise


    Thanks, I really appreciate that.

    No I think you're absolutely right. I just listened to it again and ending it with Floating Down the River pretty much sells that perspective for me. It ends on an optimistic note/acceptance.

    Also, I always forget how incredible the b-sides are.
  3. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Ya it definitely ties together with Floating Down the River. But Timelines and Everyone Will Die. Idk it's honestly a pretty profound album
    clockwise likes this.
  4. ChampsMusic

    I have a really bad habit of not listening to lyrics on the first couple listens to songs (or just a habit of not listening in general according to my wife, heh heh heh), but I remember finally realizing what Happy Anniversary was about and definitely gave me goosebumps and the feels. Powerful.
    clockwise and Turkeylegz like this.
  5. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I can’t imagine not paying attention to lyrics first listening to a song. But I feel like over much discussion over the years, I think I’m the weird one. I’m sure it’s not weird for this site, but I’ve met so many people who don’t care about lyrics.
    SpyKi likes this.
  6. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Same, to me it's fundamental.
  7. ChampsMusic

    No no, I'm definitely the weird one in this situation. I fully expect the majority of people definitely listen to the lyrics. I'm just mostly in a commute or doing heads down work when listening so it's never my main focus.
  8. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I didn’t listen to lyrics when I was a kid but then the community on Absolutepunk encouraged me to
  9. Turkeylegz


    I guess it's time for a Go relisten to tonight.
  10. MatthewDuke


  11. MatthewDuke and Greg like this.
  12. MatthewDuke


    Glad you got one! I’ve bought from them a bunch over the years and never been let down!
  13. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    solid cover from Normy!

    Bartek T. and Yellowcard2006 like this.
  14. SpeckledSouls


    I always loved watching the little documentary/commentaries from the guys when they released a new album. I remember how they said that Justin really wanted Floating Down The River to be the opener to the album. I like how MCS has always had the same type of opener no matter what album with this kind of powerful, fast, catchy, strange, fun song. It's great. It's just kind of become a signature for them.

    I don't love all their b-sides. After listening to a lot of them I'm usually "I totally understand why this is a b-sides" haha. Invisible Monsters is pretty cool, same with I'm Not Asking You To Leave and Give Up/Give In.

    My favorite b-sides is by far Sunny Day from My Dinosaur Life.

    Crisp X, Bartek T. and StatusAilments like this.
  15. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    The Worst Part is one of their best songs.
  16. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Every time this conversation happens I say that I’m Not Asking You To Leave is maybe my favorite MCS song and I will defend it to my dying day
  17. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    One of my favourites too.
  18. SpeckledSouls


    It's so good
  19. Yellowcard2006


    I would have put 1000 Paper Cranes on the album
  20. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Their covers are always awesome, especially the Limbeck, Police, and Beatles ones
    Bartek T. and CAC3 like this.
  21. Olyphantastic

    "See you in the car! Best wishes" -Milhouse Supporter

    Love their Lifter Puller cover as well.

    And the alt/acoustic versions of their album tracks. Particularly the Lifeless Ordinary and Pulp Fiction ones.
    Turkeylegz and StatusAilments like this.
  22. CAC3


    Their cover of ‘The Sun Woke the Whole State’ might be my favorite cover ever. It’s actually how I got into Limbeck, a band that I now love.
  23. I'm so so on My Dinosaur Life as a whole but Sunny Day slaps so much. A shame it's relegated to a bside
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    MDL rules.
  25. StatusAilments


    MDL and EIIKM were my intro to the band, so they hold a very special place in my heart. Sunny Day is one of my favorite B-sides of theirs, but they're all incredible.
    ScubaSteve182 and Turkeylegz like this.