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Motion City Soundtrack Band • Page 10

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. nomemorial

    you're in a cult, call your dad

    MCS is one of my favorite bands of all-time, but for some reason all of their albums take me a few listens before they really catch on with me (save for IATM and CTTM). I was barely into EIIKM when it first came out, but I revisited it a year later and have loved it ever since. My Dinosaur Life felt "ok" on first listen, but now it's one of my favorites. Go took a little longer than that and I don't feel it's one of their strongest, but still a good album overall. Panic Stations hasn't quite clicked with me yet and I just haven't had the desire to revisit it much, unfortunately.
  2. Louie

    Takes a Bit More

    I just saw them last night in NJ and boy what a show to say the least. The crowd and the band were just epic. I'm glad NJ was able to give them a great sendoff, they have played Starland Ballroom so many times it seemed like a pretty good endnote. I'm really going to miss coming out to support this band. Through the years I have been able to appreciate every album, EP, and cover the band has done. Kind of hitting me writing this that I just saw them for the last time. I hope it isn't really true and we can look forward to the occasional tour or something. Infinitely jealous of some people that came down from Boston and New Hampshire to see them a second time on the tour.

    EDIT: The bands that opened for them were also pretty damn good: A Great Big Pile of Leaves and Tancred.
  3. inwaves


    Seeing them tonight for the third and last (please come back) time. I love this band so much.
  4. Icynova


    Hey, does anyone want a VIP signed poster from the tour for a few bucks? We have an extra because both me and my wife went, and we don't need two. PM me if interested for like $10 and willing to pay a shipping tube. I live in Portland, OR.
  5. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Could you PM a pic? I might be interested!
  6. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Also might be interested if above use not - can you PM me a pic too?
  7. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    You know, I'm pretty bummed out I couldn't make it to a single date on this last tour. Work got in the way basically. I could have swung the Wrecking Ball show, but I would have got there fairly close to when they started playing and I only cared about MCS and Thursday. That would have been a waste of the $75+ for a single day ticket.

    After seeing the setlists for the tour, I have already seen everyone of those songs played live(except Anything At All). I've seen them around 9 times and the last time I saw them was at their CTTM show and it was a very unique and special show for me. That served as an almost perfect bookend personally for my career of shows with the band. I got to meet the band at my first show with them back in 2005 at the Masquerade, and my last show with them was the CTTM show at the same place; and that's the album that hooked me. Would have loved to see them on their final run with Tony, but their setlist(while long and still solid) is nothing that I haven't seen before.

    I'm going to spin MCS all day now.........
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  8. Icynova


  9. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Seeing them tonight in Birmingham. I am not ready to see my favourite ever band for the last ever time.
  10. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I'll be there too, ha.
  11. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    So excited to see them tonight. I hope they play the same set as last night, I'd love to get Modern Chemistry and Broken Heart.

    Also seeing mewithoutYou tomorrow night and then Coheed/mwY/La Dispute next week. Good time for shows.
  12. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    They were so good. Definitely got pretty emotional during a few songs, I really wish they weren't breaking up. I'm hoping they come back eventually but knowing my luck it'll be the bands I care about the most that never come back (MCS/MCR).

    I was pretty lucky at the show though, the two people standing in front of me moved to the back after the first opener and I got to the barrier right in front of Justin, he even gave me his setlist after the show.
    SamLevi11 and JRGComedy like this.
  13. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    As always, they were fantastic. I was like 3/4 rows back jumping around like a nutter. So good.

    Their setlist was brilliant, and hearing Even If It Kills Me one last time was very emotional.
  14. Night_Sky


    We must of been near each other then because I was doing the exact same thing. Hold Me Down got to me the most (as it usually does) it definitely had more weight last night though.

    Everyone singing the bridge to 'Future' was such a perfect ending.
  15. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah, we were probably right next to each other haha.

    That honestly made me so emotional when everyone sang that. I'm going to miss these guys a lot...
  16. Icynova


    Still got it, if anyone wants it.
  17. Icynova


    Also got a video of Perfect Teeth. I love this song.
    Louie and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  18. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Can you pm me pics?
  19. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I love that song too and that's a really good performance of it. I really don't want this band to break up.
  20. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    This is a band I will definitely miss seeing live. I may not have loved the last few records like I hoped I would, but there is still good material there. I am glad they are leaving a higher note than if they faded away after Go like I thought might happen.

    This was a band I have seen countless times. That's probably why I hold I Am the Movie in higher regard than most fans do. Countless tours and Warped Tours where that was the only source material. Watching this band grow and create records that later fans hold so dear has been a treat.

    Does anyone know what the members are going to do post MCS? I imagine Justin may do a solo thing or more FC? How about the other guys?
  21. Icynova


  22. thethingis

    Meet me in Montauk. Prestigious

    Because of this band, I've wanted to go to the CC Club since middle school and finally, tonight's the night.
  23. Louie

    Takes a Bit More

    I'm debating going to Minneapolis if they add one last date. I might take some sick days or something from work. Seeing them in NJ was incredible and a trip to the Midwest would be more than worth it to see them again.
  24. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm sure this has been discussed but do we think this is 100% the end. Like, no more shows ever? I originally thought they might come back one day, but now I'm leaning the other way and I think their personal lives mean I don't see that happening.
  25. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I think they intend for it to be the end. I hope they come back at some point though but I'm not counting on it.