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Morrissey Blogs About Prince

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Morrissey, writing on True to You:

    Although a long-serving vegan and a strong advocate of the abolition of the abattoir, neither of these points was mentioned in the one hundred television reports that I witnessed yesterday as they covered the enchanted life and sad death of Prince. The points were not mentioned because they are identified as expressions against e$tabli$hment interests, therefore we, mere galley slaves, aren’t allowed to know. Prince has influenced the world more than is suspected, and somehow the life of his music is just beginning, and he would be thanked not only by humans but also animals for living his lyrical life as he did. Humans, you see, are not the world.
    Full Blog Post

    Although a long-serving vegan and a strong advocate of the abolition of the abattoir, neither of these points was mentioned in the one hundred television reports that I witnessed yesterday as they covered the enchanted life and sad death of Prince. The points were not mentioned because they are identified as expressions against e$tabli$hment interests, therefore we, mere galley slaves, aren’t allowed to know.
    Prince has influenced the world more than is suspected, and somehow the life of his music is just beginning, and he would be thanked not only by humans but also animals for living his lyrical life as he did. Humans, you see, are not the world.

    Meanwhile, on the same day that Prince melts away in physical form, London and England remain two very different countries, and in London the news media (under tyrannized instructions from Buckingham Palace) are informing the world that Her Royal Slyness is celebrating her 90th birthday, and we are assured that all of the United Kingdom is celebrating a monarch who has “served” (that is, served herself, not the people) for over 60 years. There is no evidence of celebrations, and in fact there are hushed reports of national indifference. In this mental maze the marrow of the matter has been grasped by everyone: monarchy is the new anarchy. It is the face of white supremacy, social repression, tyranny, oppression, thought control, big stick control, minority rule, dictatorship, and, on the streets beyond SW1, unfairness. All that can be honestly celebrated on Elizabeth’s 90th birthday is the reality that she is the end of the family line. What else could her point be?

    Prince, who made something of his life as opposed to having fortune handed to him, is far more ‘royal’ than Elizabeth 2, and he will be mourned far more than she, for she could never make herself loveable, no matter how many paid and promoted non-stories flood the newspapers of the world. The laughing gulls of Buckingham Palace will never allow you to forget who wields the stick. And, of course, we know very well what gulls tend to do on the people below.

    Prince is the royal that people love, whereas Elizabeth 2 was thrust on the people who have never been asked whether or not they want her.

  2. nl5011

    Trusted Supporter

    Wow way to lay it down. I'm glad someone with a voice is telling it like it is.
  3. Kizwiz


    I do love how he speaks boldly and candidly on matters. Not a fan of the monarchy either, tbh. Most people seem to respect them more for the tourist and commonwealth income than their actual spoilt heritage.
  4. billcom6


    Prince died. Better take this opportunity to complain about Queen Elizabeth II.

    Morrissey is the worst.
    ChaseTx, StoJa9 and teenagemustache like this.
  5. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I disagree with the Monarchy too but I do think he maybe should have waited a few more days before posting this. Still, he's correct.
  6. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    Of course he did.
  7. jellyfishfossil


    "Someone died, better inform everyone that he was vegan or else it's a corporate conspiracy."

    This is why Morrissey is treated like a child.
  8. JulieLynn

    Karma is the Guy On The Chiefs Prestigious

    I don't even know what to say other than, wow.
    jellyfishfossil likes this.
  9. Jamie Dagg

    Master of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.

    What a dick.
    jellyfishfossil likes this.
  10. transrebel59


    This sounds like a 14 year old wrote it.
    jellyfishfossil likes this.
  11. drstrong

    I'm Back.

    Way to use someone's death as your own pedestal. What a douche.
    jellyfishfossil likes this.