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Moose Blood / Lydia Tour

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by btr, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. btr Dec 4, 2017
    (Last edited: Apr 2, 2018)

    Fan of Hammers Supporter


  2. Jonny Sniper


    Lameeeeeee support.
    young&menace likes this.
  3. Theemoflamingo


    Really? I think Lydia are sooooo much better than moose blood
  4. Jonny Sniper


    I haven't heard of either of the two openers. I only sorta like Moose Blood. I was hoping Grayscale and WSTR would be on this but I was told not to get my hopes up!
  5. Theemoflamingo


  6. disambigujason


    its a shame to me that lydia isn't so much bigger; such an accessible sound and leighton's a fantastic songwriter
    fenway89, tyramail, astereo and 2 others like this.
  7. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Lol, nothing has made me feel older than someone on this website saying they've never heard of Lydia.
    fenway89, navidson, Penguin and 16 others like this.
  8. zachmacD


    I took my girlfriend to see Lydia last year and they played acoustic with a string section. It was a small venue that had tables in the back and we were able to order dinner and drinks and turn our chairs to watch the show. One of the best shows I've been to in recent memory
    Blink182Bouncer, ramres and js977 like this.
  9. zachmacD


    Listen to Illuminate by Lydia straight through. You'll thank me later
    astereo, ramres and js977 like this.
  10. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Also, this december doesn't get enough love. I fucking love that record. Do they ever play anything from it live?
    tyramail, astereo and amorningofsleep like this.
  11. disambigujason


    ive always felt like lydia function much better as an acoustic and/or singer/songwriter band, or at least thats how i perceive them in my head; i was actually kinda disappointed with how loud the show was when i first saw em.
    zachmacD likes this.
  12. ramres

    Next Show: 3/20 -- Last Dinosaurs

    They played Always Move Fast during their first Run Wild tour, but I've been seeing them every time they come around NYC since 2013 and that's the only time I've seen them play a song from that album.
  13. zachmacD


    I like the faster stuff but I agree, I think they sound way better when he takes his time and you can hear how great his voice is. They played an acoustic rendition of all I see with the drums on that tour and it was incredible. To me that style is their sweet spot.
    js977 likes this.
  14. Jonny Sniper


    I know a lot of older bands. I'm 26. I'm not some young whippersnapper. Just because I didn't know one band and it wasn't the support band I wanted doesn't justify walking all over me.

    I apologize in advance if this comment wasn't a dig at me, but it came across that way.
  15. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Haha holy shit. I walked all over you?
    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  16. Jonny Sniper


    Specificying this website made me feel a little attacked. Again, I apologized in advance if you weren't trying to do that. The multiple comments about how Lydia is so great and what not also made me feel like I was an idiot for not knowing them.
  17. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    It was more to the fact that they were one of the bands that it felt like every post was about here ten or so years ago.
    Jonny Sniper likes this.
  18. Jonny Sniper


    Ahh okay. I joined in about 2009 or so. So that was probably before my time.
  19. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Might hit this up, but the new album will help me make that decision. They were solid, but a little boring when I saw them headline in March and the support does nothing for me personally.
  20. This is a good point. I love their music, but they're kind of awkward to see live. Eddy tends not to say much, and their music isn't necessarily meant to mosh to.
  21. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    My point exactly. Also the dude with the Neck Tatoos looks like he is literally bored out of his mind and about to fall asleep. He alone made the band's set unerwhelming.
  22. natefoundglory

    Trusted Supporter

    Can't imagine I'll actually go to this, but that support is great and Moose Blood is alright.
  23. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Pretty dang stoked on this entire bill. Lydia is one of my absolute favorites.
    js977 likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Would love to see Lydia and McCafferty, but going to wait to see them play with a different headliner.
  25. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    Illuminate was huge on AP when it came out haha. it really has been almost 10 years, fucking crazy. I'd like to see lydia but I ain't giving moose blood my money.