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Modest Mouse - The Golden Casket (June 25, 2021) • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by tucah, May 5, 2021.

  1. hollowmines


    I don't think I got through the entirety of Strangers to Ourselves more than once, so the bar is pretty low.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  2. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

    Weak single. Can't say I'm too surprised. I'll always love this band, but they've been running on fumes for a while.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  3. Silentjury


    Decent song. Would fit perfectly on We Were I wouldn't mind if that is an accurate representation of the album.

    I really want this album to be good. I don't want Modest Mouse to go down the Pixies path of embarrassment.
    waking season likes this.
  4. Embarrassment seems a bit extreme for the run they've had lol
    Contender and imthesheriff like this.
  5. Silentjury


    Ok, I'll give you Beneath the Eyrie, if only because "Catfish Kate" is a good song but Indie Cindy and Head Carrier are absolutely atrocious.
  6. Oh no, I meant Modest Mouse lol I mean I don't think Head Carrier is atrocious but I'll give you Indie Cindy and everything after being relatively toothless
  7. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

  8. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah I like this song.
  9. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I like the single
  10. Silentjury


    Ok. Yeah, I just did not like Strangers to Ourselves at all and the standalone singles have been bad. I'm cool if they do the more polished sound of We Were Dead. I think some of the fanbase is too close-minded and will dismiss anything new they do because it's not as '90s sounding, but to me Strangers to Ourselves just had nothing going for it.
  11. Sal Paradise


    It’s been the longest 6months to a year since their last album. Excited for it
    imthesheriff and bobsheiskawy like this.
  12. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I think the song is passable. That’s about it.
  13. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Single is very safe but I dig it
  14. I like it
  15. Jbent


    I got really into mm in 07 and may have listened to a different band 3 or 4 times total that first summer with their discography. After numerous failed attempts to catch them live a friend of mine at the time finally, somehow secured tickets to this show that had instantly sold out. Still remember him calling to tell me so long after I gave up lol. Concert was an all timer top 2 or 3 for me personally. Also had the most wild mushrooms and mdma combo on the subway heading into the city and came on super hard 10 minutes before they opened with 3rd planet. Goosebumps thinking about those first few notes, my eyes were closed 80% of the time and it didn't even matter

    today is a great day, love you all
    dilleo, Henry, waking season and 4 others like this.
  16. hollowmines


    Definitely sounds like optimal timing + chemical enhancement.
  17. SteadyGlen


    Single is enjoyable, always happy to get new MM. I may be in the minority that didn't totally hate Strangers... lots of good shit on there I think! This seems to fit in quite well with that bunch. I do miss all the emo shouty weirdness, though.
    Mary V and Aaron Mook like this.
  18. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Howdy, folks!

    I am “here” for this!
    astereo likes this.
  19. phaynes12 Prestigious

    fun song
  20. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I just spun STO tonight and honestly, still slaps. Certainly not their greatest, but still insanely enjoyable.
    dilleo, Gianni28, kyle and 5 others like this.
  21. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    New song is great. Also the album cover changing on Apple Music is freaking me out.
  22. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Also I don’t understand being a modest mouse fan and not liking lampshades on fire, the ground walks, the tortoise and the tourist or the best room.
    dilleo, kyle and Mary V like this.
  23. Tomar Re


    Woah I hadn’t noticed that! Really trippy and cool
    imthesheriff likes this.
  24. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fun song, I dig it
  25. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass

    I don’t mind the music, can’t stand the way the vocals are mixed though.