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Mike Fuentes Accused of Sexual Misconduct With a 16 Year Old Fan • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. DroppingDemPounds89


    i would hope so but probably not
  2. TuneYouOut

    Newbie Supporter

    Is it wrong to think 48hrs is plenty of time to have addressed this in some way?
    tyramail likes this.
  3. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    i'm not in a band but there isn't shit that would get in my way for two whole days that would be more important than addressing something like this
    Aaron Mook, awwgereee and tyramail like this.
  4. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    Misadventures was a great album, you have no taste if you didn't like it. Not drawing any lines until something is proven, these are allegations. Remember that. And we have a POTUS that has likely done far worse. Any abuse towards young men or women is uncalled for, and if he is guilty I will condemn Mike Fuentes. But as a drummer, he is a huge influence for me so I am conflicted.
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  6. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    And everyone just believes you? C'mon.:-|I had sex with Chrissy Teigen, it's true.
  7. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    The POTUS likely has done worse, but I’m not really sure what you’re implying with that. Comparing allegations isn’t really necessary.

    I mean, statistically, these cases are more often true than not. And that comparison makes you seem like a total tool.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  8. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    Thought I had you blocked for being an idiot before, fuck off now
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  9. 1. Music taste is subjective. <<<---not the most important part of this convo, but worth saying.
    2. "Proof" can somehow also be subjective and usually folks with this take could see a video of an assault, hear an apologetic confession and still go "but maybe it didn't happen". "Proof" is a moving target. I don't know you and I won't pretend to know what's going through your head, but you should know a variation of this sentence is a garden variety response often used to justify someone's reticence to admit their fave has been part of the problem.
    3. "Someone else has done worse" is a bad take. Full stop. It's irrelevant, it's unhelpful, it's distracting. We can do better.
    4. Who influences you could not be farther from relevant in this kind of situation. I get that it complicates things, but it simply has nothing to do with your personal feelings about the music itself.
  10. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    hey if we have a president that "likely" abused women and is suffering no consequences...... that's because there is a culture built around protecting and excusing men like mike fuentes
  11. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    Anna, I definitely see your point. Thanks for trying to see things my way. If Mike is guilty, I will be the first to condemn him. Just still hard to believe, his girlfriend is absolutely stunning and I can't believe he'd have to resort to something so low. My apologies if I came across as offensive. Anyways, as far as "misadventures" not that it really matters, I just have so much respect for the product the band put out. Allmusic called it "perfect". I wonder what Vic thinks of all this, and I know their dad is like their main influence. Not that it's Papa Fuentes' fault, people can hide their demons well, but you'd think Mike would've been raised better. Sad.
  12. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    So you just believe any anecdote thrown your way? Sheep.
  13. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    But can you prove I didn't? This is what I mean, it turns into a shitshow of accusations. And when half the nation votes for a racist, sexist, misogynistic POS I think the comparison is very necessary.
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  15. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    Likely? He admitted to it! Not to mention verbal abuse of an entire continent.
  16. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    I can’t, but that’s a really bad way to look at and think of accusations. I don’t really think people coming forward with their stories of being abused would be considered a shitshow. Also, a bad take. While I think the voting for this POTUS says a lot about our socitry, I don’t think comparing abusers is necessary, it doesn’t add anything relevant to the current narrative. You can argue your points all day, but I still think you have a shit outlook.
  17. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    I respect your opinion, I do. And I appreciate that chorus is a safe haven, and we can all agree Trump is a total cock. All I can say is I would never, ever take advantage of a minor. I'm 29, even the idea of sex with an 18 year old bothers me. I'd think I'd get a little credit for not being a dinosaur that fucks anything with a pulse. I consider myself a romantic, and whether it be Mike Fuentes, Donald Trump or the creep ass Olympic gymnastics coach, I would never consider it acceptable. I've lost my train of thought, and you don't have to believe me. But I've been to hell and back, and would never wish any harm or abuse on anyone, male or female. Sadly, I think abuse of boys is often swept under the rug. The Catholic Church is proof of that. And while not as dangerous as objectification of women, objectification of attractive men such as Kellin Quinn, Oli Sykes, Ryan Gosling and Vic Fuentes is also, IMO, unacceptable and creepy. We need to choke any objectification mentality at the source.
    My question is, if girls put themselves in dangerous situations, where does the blame lie? The parents? Mainly with the offender, but we as parents need to protect our daughters, it's our obligation. I'm truly sorry if I came across as an asshole or defender of pedophiles, it was never my intention. This is just a very complex issue in a very fucked society.
  18. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    Agreed, especially if Mike is innocent you would think he would want to go into immediate damage control.
  19. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    Did I really just read someone imply that because a dude has an attractive girl friend it's not likely they'd abuse other women?
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  20. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    He abused a minor, not a woman. That's the disconnect.
  21. lightning


    Someone's looks really has nothing to do with it.
    But you're deflecting from the point they're making here - again, looks have nothing to do with it.

    ...literally strawmanning. Where in the post you quoted says anything about believing any anecdote?

    OK, you wouldn't do it. Good for you?

    The Catholic Church? There was literally a movie about/related to that. I've never not heard outrage about this, btw. - Spotlight (film) - Wikipedia

    Visual and sexual objectification is generally tilted much more towards women. It doesn't mean that it doesn't ever happen to men.

    The blame lies on our society as a whole. We should teach people not to abuse others and be teaching everyone about enthusiastic and consistent consent. Not 'teach people how to not be a victim' (I know that's not what you're saying, but your wording "girls put themselves in dangerous situations" lays some blame with them which shouldn't happen). No, that doesn't mean we shouldn't teach people how to protect themselves or be safe, but that shouldn't be the main or only thing we focus on.
    Aaron Mook, awwgereee and mercury like this.
  22. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    Just watched Spotlight again yesterday! Essential film, so disturbing. Also I should mention that priests abused children of both genders. Valid points though. Like I said earlier, abuse has to be stopped before it can happen. It's the worst kind of crime someone can commit, and I refuse to be slandered when I know that I am a better person than the monsters abusing kids. My heart goes out to the father that attacked Larry Nassar, because parents can't be everywhere at once. We put our faith in authority figures, and they rip families apart.
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