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meth. - SHAME (February 2, 2024)

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Kistler, Jan 5, 2024.


    Of SHAME, [Seb Alvarez] continues: "SHAME is a record that’s hard for me to pin point. It took a collective toll on everyone involved. The five years between this record and our last were mentally exhausting. What came out of it though was something we all agree is our strongest work to date and sonically the closest representation of us as a group. Everything is much more dense, self destructive and visceral than anything we’ve put out prior and we cannot wait to get this thing out into the world.”
  2. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

  4. It's a ripper, y'all. Can't wait to see them play these songs tonight.
  5. from: skulls


    hooooooly shit this is good