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Mental Health Thread • Page 452

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AelNire, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    this isn’t exactly mental health related, but i don’t know where else to share.

    i’m gonna be a dad! my wife is due in december, and we’re having a baby boy. there is nothing i want more in this world than to be a father, so i’m obviously over the moon. plus, i’ve been posting on this website/ap since i was a teenager, and it just feels right to share the news here. i’ve never managed to become particularly close with anyone from around here, but this place has still managed to be a big part of my life. so yeah!

    we’re naming him imametaphor jr :-)
    Daniel, David87, xapplexpiex and 14 others like this.
  2. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

  3. SpeckledSouls


    I'm having anxiety attacks because of the state of the US right now. I can't deal with how terrible things have gotten.
    Kiana, waking season and Shakriel like this.
  4. The brother of the neighbor whose dog bit both of my parents and sent them to the hospital started yelling at my dad from across the driveway tonight and pulled out a gun. Didn't point it, but the implication was clear. My parents called the cops and they are going to talk to him but they're not going to do anything until someone is dead and I am terrified of waking up to a phone call that both of my parents are dead.
  5. The attorney said not to involve the media before this, but I am almost positive I am going to contact the news anonymously in the morning. This guy is on the school board and values his reputation more than anything. There needs to be consequences because my parents are never going to feel safe in their home again. They're already in therapy over the dog attacks, and now this. My mom was crying when she called me. I'm so, so furious and have nothing to do with all of this anger.
  6. SpeckledSouls Jul 4, 2024
    (Last edited: Jul 5, 2024)


    People like these scumbags are what's wrong with the country and the world. Your family has every right just to feel safe. I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this.

    If you anonymously contact the news will the neighbors put together that you guys were the ones who "snitched"? I just don't want you or your family getting potentially hurt, but I do want to see justice. This guy absolutely needs to be removed from the school board immediately.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  7. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I seriously hate people
    GrantCloud and SpeckledSouls like this.
  8. It's possible. We've just had so many people offer to make the call for us so that it doesn't come back to us. I don't know. I've cooled down overnight, but it's still very, very tempting.
  9. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Pretty sure I got ghosted by a job that offered to have me come in for an hour stage next week to try it out. Pretty bummed about it because it seemed like a cool place to work and the owner was really nice when I interviewed with her and told me to text her today to schedule it. 12 hours later no response. Idk maybe she had a busy day and missed it but this has only happened to me one other time AFTER a stage shift where I knew I wasn’t going to be asked back because I was obviously not sober. But I’m clean and presented myself as best I could. I’m just feeling really down about it. I’m afraid she has a connection with my old job in the area and reached out, but even then I doubt they’d say anything other than yeah he kinda disappeared which I already told her I did due to an undisclosed illness. I don’t know. Maybe I’m in my head about it and I just need to follow up to remind her? I have other opportunities but I was really excited about this one. It’s made me really upset and down all day.

    I just want this entire employment process to be over. I can’t take many more hits to my self esteem. I’m already not thrilled about how my mental state has been this past week. On top of the stresses of interviews and applications I just feel so…irritable and anti social and anxious and mean. I don’t want to be around anyone, especially my family who I’m currently on a trip with. I’m just so easily annoyed and would rather be sitting home alone smoking weed and playing video games for the last week or so I’m able to before I begin working again. The good news is in terms of staying clean I feel rock solid but the bad news is I’m just not even close to being happy or feeling good about things.
  10. SpeckledSouls


    Everything is fucking exhausting
  11. My wife will wait until insane times to do housework, like 11:15 on a Friday night, and this is probably more of a me problem but I can't fucking relax because I feel like I need to be helping her. I go at my own pace and get things done throughout the day, but her OCD is like "if you're not gonna get to this now, I'm just gonna do it" and that doesn't work for me. I need a little decompression time on weekend evenings.
  12. SpeckledSouls


    I truly don't understand how anyone is able to function when the whole country is just falling apart. I have so much anxiety.
    waking season and jkauf like this.
  13. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Obviously, I dont know you outside of this website, but Ive seen enough posts like this from you to think that the state of the world is having a genuine impact on your mental health. I hope you know that you dont owe it to anyone to keep up with the bad things that are going on in the world. I know it seems selfish, but if you need to unplug from the news for your own good, you should do that. Wishing the best for you.
  14. SpeckledSouls


    I would just like to know how everyone gets through the day without panicking.
  15. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I convince myself I deserve little treats constantly so then instead of worrying so much about the world I also worry about my weight and finances from all my treats but at least in those moments I'm being too self absorbed to think about the world. And if I'm gonna stress about the world anyway may as well have some ice cream with it. -5/10 would not recommend lol
  16. I have just accepted that I have no tangible influence over politics or the climate and anything that I can do to create positive change is going to happen locally, so as much of a non-answer as it may be, it just is what it is. I literally can't do anything about it so I guess I'm just trying to enjoy the ride.
  17. Shakriel

    I am due for a miracle / I'm waiting for a sign Prestigious

    I focus on my life and what I have an immediate impact upon and try not to let the shit I cannot do anything about bring me too low. It still impacts me and causes stress and anxiety but there’s only so much one can do. And I take time to unplug and avoid stuff where possible and to help me from going insane
    dylan, bigmike, jkauf and 2 others like this.
  18. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Stay busy. Get out of the house. Gym. Feed your hobbies. Being married with kids helps. I could never be alone.
    bigmike and GrantCloud like this.
  19. SpeckledSouls


    Well I'm alone so
  20. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    This might sound silly. I’m pretty anti-social, but I like being in big crowds. I go to concerts and comic book conventions alone, since my wife doesn’t like them. I used to go to movies alone before I met my wife. Being somewhere surrounded by like-minded people made me feel a sense of belonging and kind of an unspoken bond with peers. Not to sound pretentious, but I know a lot of people don’t go to places alone. But for me, if it’s a big crowd, it feels therapeutic.
    trevorshmevor, bigmike, jkauf and 2 others like this.
  21. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I am the same way
    GrantCloud and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  22. Jason


    What do you do about a job that's destroying your mental health, but at the same time helps you save over $1k a month in rent? Not sure if I should just stick it out until the end of the year because I'll be able to save enough money from now until December to go into the new year completely debt free. Or just quit now because I'm going crazy and not sure if things will get better.
    bigmike and SpeckledSouls like this.
  23. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    Ok, personal time…
    Honestly, medication and therapy. Having someone I don’t know to talk to makes a big difference. A lot of times when my wife or someone I know gives me advice or something, it’s hard to believe because they know me and are biased. One of my many diagnosis is generalized anxiety disorder. So when I express my feelings or self-doubt and self-consciousness around others, and I’m assured it’s nonsense and given advise, I’m willing to believe it. Also, I can’t advocate for medication enough. I would not be alive without it. A lot of people are discouraged after switching meds constantly and think nothing works, but try different dosages or combinations. I take four (along with therapy), but it took a bit to find what worked best for me. Sorry if this seems like common sense to you or it won’t work, just my two cents.
  24. Jason


    If you don't mind my asking, what do you take for anxiety? I'm in the process of getting a new psychiatrist so I can restart medication.
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  25. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    I don’t take anything specifically just for anxiety. I take Lamictal (a mood stabilizer for bi-polar), Prozac (depression), a small dose of mirtazipine (depression too, but also to help me sleep because a side effect is drowsiness and my anxiety keeps me up at night), and adderall (ADHD). Overall, they help with anxiety, but my therapy is mostly for that.
    jkauf and popdisaster00 like this.