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Mental Health Thread • Page 431

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AelNire, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Shakriel

    I am due for a miracle / I'm waiting for a sign Prestigious

    Yeah, they want $500 per extraction, which they included in the estimate. The sedation was the same cost as the actual cleaning itself lol. My cat is only a year and a half old and so my hope is that the issue isn't severe enough to warrant extractions.
    bigmike likes this.
  2. brothemighty


    hey thanks bro. will do
  3. Carmen SD


    I never thought I could have such a bad day at work and I wish I could talk about it. Like I can’t stop crying and it was really hard not to cry all day. There were literally so many times where I almost cried. I sat in my car at lunch and cried the entire time, and I never sit in my car.
    Victor Eremita and Shakriel like this.
  4. SpeckledSouls


    I'm losing it. Knowing I've been depressed for so long but never really accepting just how much. It's so much worse than I thought.
    Carmen SD and Shakriel like this.
  5. Carmen SD


    My energy bill is going to go up $20 because I no longer qualify for the “low income assistance”. They should go off net pay not gross pay because how can I pay for my bill when a single paycheck doesn’t even cover my rent
    Victor Eremita and SpeckledSouls like this.
  6. Sorry for how much I've complained in here this week, and thanks to anyone who read my posts or reached out. I felt really insane at the beginning of this week and I'm so glad I've bounced back from that. I will say, my wife did some insensitive things last night that kind of made me realize why I reach for substances so much. It's definitely a problem I have even if I'm not a standard addict or alcoholic. I don't drink often, but it is VERY easy for me when I am upset to say "fuck it, I'll make another drink." And that's what happened last night. I need to do some internal work and talk to my therapist about that.
  7. This is most likely normal (which in itself is insane), but sometimes I genuinely feel like a I'm going insane, mostly because of how hard life is and how much better it feels when I'm fucked up.
  8. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I just got a message that my brother is in the hospital with liver failure. He’s 36. I have no idea how serious it is. Ugh
  9. Yeah, not remembering this post made me download the sober app this morning. Wish me luck.

    That's awful man, I'm so sorry. Wishing you both the best. Here if you need anything.
  10. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Maybe a long shot but it’s affecting me mentally so I’m asking here.

    has anyone here/close to you been on Dupixent for eczema/allergies? I’m starting the loading dose this week and I’ve read everything from it being a miracle drug to people going blind (I know this second one is probably just the internet internetting)
  11. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    Whenever I get emotional, start shit with people via text or in person, get suicidal, or spend a ton of money online, I remember later I didn’t take my morning pills - mood stabilizers and antianxiety meds. It’s like a light switch. I can’t go one day without them and I feel like a totally different person.
    bigmike, jkauf and Aaron Mook like this.
  12. shea Feb 19, 2024
    (Last edited: Feb 19, 2024)

    RIP Supporter

    my wife was on this for a couple of years for eczema.

    if i remember right when she first started it was like a miracle drug but the effects kind of lessened a bit as time went on and she ultimately determined it wasn't worth the injection pain/risking the potential side effects and got off of it. i'm asking her now and i'll update if any of that is inaccurate but that's how i remember it going.

    edit: okay she just replied. that's essentially what happened..she was originally on the one injection a week dose and it started giving less and less results so she switched to the weekly dose which did help at first but the same thing ended up happening. she said she never experienced any of the side effects she was just tired of sticking herself for basically no reason.

    she switched briefly to rinvoq which worked really well but it made her skin super greasy and caused her to break out a lot so she also decided that wasn't worth it, but i don't know if that's a universal side effect or what.
  13. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Thanks so much! Yeah I’m mostly worried about the start up side effects and how brutal they are, if at all. Appreciate any info
  14. shea

    RIP Supporter

    for sure! just edited that post with some notes from her. she doesn't mention anything about start up side effects and i don't remember her having any but i'll ask and update if so
    youll be fine likes this.
  15. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Realizing this is always nice because I feel like it's not all my fault or cause I'm a bad person or something, but then annoying cause I wanna be in control of my own body and mood. My issue is hormones. Every time my frustration tolerance feels low and I'm exhausted and fighting a migraine its almost always a hormonal issue which is like "oh nice I'm not just a cranky unpleasant person, it's hormones! Also dang, I can't control that without invasive procedures or meds and that sucks"
    bigmike likes this.
  16. Feeling sensitive, got in a semantic argument about an artist I love with some friends and them basically being like "I hate his music" knowing I play it all the time has me feeling pretty down and like I might as well not share the things I like or make with my friends. Thankful for this website.
  17. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    If it's any help, I also deal with the same sort of feelings. And it's like, the friend group I have now is super supportive of my likes and interests so I really shouldn't worry about it, but I'm still apprehensive about ever sharing anything because of all the times former friends or partners actively made fun of things I liked.
    Shakriel and Aaron Mook like this.
  18. Ugh, yes, thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only person who knows the feeling. It sounds silly but it can really mess with your head. Probably doesn't help that this friend was joking about how fucked up I was when I stayed with him and doesn't know I'm taking a sobriety break. That's not on him, but like I said, I'm sensitive.
    bigmike, SpeckledSouls and PureBlueSF like this.
  19. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I hate how workplaces try to weaponize mental health terms to exploit employees more. It's condescending to tell employees who feel burned out to do self-care. I feel like it implies the employee is the problem for not doing self care and also doesn't provide the tools for employees to properly do self care anyway (such as more paid time off, higher wages to afford indulgences, a better work life balance, better benefits with mental health supports etc). It also can have the tone of "okay you did your self care so now we can continue asking too much of you because you've rested" instead of making the workplace environment the problem that needs to be fixed.
  20. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    I’m really struggling because to do my current job as well as my bosses want, it’s 70-80 hrs a week and I’m not doing that. I’m probably putting in 50-60 and so weekends come and I feel like a zombie because I want to disassociate because I’m so fucking exhausted. And then my work will do this stuff too of like “self care!” And it’s like orrrr change the expectations of the job!!
  21. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Ugh yes and I always feel that pull of my desire to do a good job and stand on my work while the other part of me wants to not do anything past my 40 hours to show them how unrealistic their expectations are. At an old job I wrote down everything I did in the day to show them how the current system was inefficient and made it literally impossible to complete expectations within the time frame given. But my supervisor just said "wow that's a lot" and nothing changed. Cause at the end of the day most employers want to exploit as much labor as they can for as cheap as they can get it. Even if long-term it's not cheap when they have to continually train new employees because of high turn over rates from exhaustion and burn out.

    I hope some day more onus and accountability can be put onto employers. I need a legit new labor movement in the US to happen
    Shakriel and bigmike like this.
  22. SpeckledSouls


    The current system makes such little sense especially when multiple studies have shown how there's more productivity in WFH and 4 day work weeks.

    Going above your 40 for your job is only helping them, not you. Never do it.
    GrantCloud, bigmike and Aaron Mook like this.
  23. shea

    RIP Supporter

    i took a new position within the same company and left behind a 4 day work week around a year ago and i fear i will regret it the rest of my life.

    they flirted with moving all employees to 4 day weeks for a couple of months last year but ultimately decided it "didn't make financial sense" or some horse shit. it's not completely off the table apparently but they likely won't look at doing it again until at least 2025..:eyeroll:
  24. SpeckledSouls


    It's crazy that companies would rather stick with a full work week instead of a 4 day work week when it's been proven time and time again to be more profitable for the company.

    Oh wait, it's about control. They want to control you.
  25. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    They don’t want to give in, it’s their rules and you gotta follow them