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Mental Health Thread • Page 415

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AelNire, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. FrenzalRob

    34 / Melbourne, Australia Supporter

    Let's chat Aaron. I'll PM you later. Thank you.
    imthegrimace and Aaron Mook like this.
  2. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    Started therapy today

  3. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    Sort of crossposting from the Vent Your Frustrations thread, because this has been negatively impacting my mental health.

    That whole fiasco has ended up affecting me to the point where I was straight up enjoying the game less for a bit and I'm taking a hiatus from any DDR events until further notice because all of that just killed my motivation and desire to go to any of them. And it sucks that one person had that much of an negative effect on one of the main things I do to get away from stressors and it's infuriating that they could not give less of a shit. I am slowly starting to enjoy DDR more again. But it's still going to take time to fully get past this.
  4. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    My cold-weather state folks will understand this (and even non-cold state folks that deal with terrible humidity and shit can likely relate) - it’s the beginning of the season where I have to plan ahead and get gas / go grocery shopping, etc. on days when the weather makes it easy.

    I didn’t really feel like going grocery shopping a little while ago after a busy day running around but thought, “no, gotta go. It’s 50 degrees and beautiful and god knows what tomorrow or the next day could be so go now while the weather isn’t a hassle”.

    small victory but it’s the time of year where I have to tell my mind that it doesn’t get to make the decisions all the time - if the weather is peaceful then we just gotta suck it up and get some things done vs waiting last minute and finding myself driving through a foot of snow or ice or other bullshit
  5. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Soooo true. Literally told my fiance to pull over for gas yesterday for this reason lol
  6. Carmen SD


    I’m at the point where I don’t even want to go into work anymore. People don’t pull their weight like they should. They don’t like to listen and do what they want, therefore I don’t feel respected as the lead. They put way too much on my plate and get mad when I miss something despite the fact that I’ve stated before the to have too much on my plate and to redistribute (ONE) duty. Like I’m asking for a lot. It’s at the point where I’m going home almost in tears. I think within the following year I’m going to leave and work somewhere else. I can’t keep going like this where am at now. It’s just thinking about WHERE I want to work. Also the pay isn’t there and know people who can help me find a place that will pay my worth.
  7. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    I genuinely don’t understand what your friend’s issue actually is, you didn’t do anything. Honestly, I know it sucks to lose a friend but you’re really not missing out on that friendship if that’s gonna happen.
  8. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    And what you're saying has been the general consensus among everyone I've talked to about it, so it does help to know I'm not crazy for thinking he's being unreasonable. And you're right, I'm not missing out on much.
    DarkHotline likes this.
  9. Being with someone with mental health issues can be so hard, especially when you also have them. Communication breakdowns happen more frequently. It's hard to tell if a problem is being skewed by one of both of you. Sometimes, you have to choose to address things that you know are triggering because it's the only way to get through an obstacle, but you still have to deal with the fallout of bringing those things up. I wish it were as simple as recognizing when your illness is blowing something out of proportion, but it's so hard to see that (or to get someone to see that) in the moment. Your entire relationship becomes based on mind-reading.
  10. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Boy, do I feel this.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  11. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I feel this. People are always asking me when me and my fiance are getting married and I'm like idk man I'm just waiting for our relationship to blow up during the next time we address something
    Victor Eremita and Aaron Mook like this.
  12. Yep. My wife and I want to start a family, but I also work at a university and have the opportunity to go back to school. I made the mistake of not pursuing it this past fall, and I feel confident now that it is the decision I need to make next year, and while my wife isn't exactly unsupportive, it causes friction. And passive-aggressiveness about "if we want to have kids" even though we both know we do. Today I mentioned wanting to move towards that for us and basically got a "I've just been waiting for you to figure things out," which is not a very kind or nuanced response. And if I'm going to have kids with someone, I need them to be supportive and kind, or at the very least, acting in good faith instead of feeling like we're constantly playing chess or tennis against each other.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  13. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I'm getting so upset and sad with people getting angry with me for having ADHD. I am clearly reading and typing on my phone, and my fiance gets furious at me because I didn't hear her talking to me when I'm doing something, accusing me of ignoring her. It happens all the time with so many people. I wish they could just understand that it takes a few seconds for my brain to "click" and context shift. I'm not purposely trying to ignore people. My brain just takes a bit to process things and catch up. I've taken neurocognitive exams with doctors who have said that my brain is slow to process things; that I'm definitely smart, but things take time for me.. I just wish people could understand, and instead it just leaves me feeling like a piece of shit.
    cashlion, imthegrimace, jkauf and 4 others like this.
  14. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

  15. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Well, pretty sure this happened tonight. Heartbroken, she gave me back my ring. I'm sad, but think it's probably necessary. We both got really mean to each other lately. Not one person to blame. Just want different things. It's scary to think about living alone for the first time ever since I've literally alienated all my friends since we got together. Oh well. She's been really angry at me for fighting her on having kids and not moving, two things we absolutely can't afford. She says it's because I don't want those things, but there isn't really much I can do about it whether she likes it or not.
    Shakriel likes this.
  16. I'm really sorry to hear this, man. I've been there. I know this is easier for me to say, but things have a habit of working themselves out, whether it's what you originally wanted or not. Wishing you the best and my inbox is always open if you need to chat.
    Victor Eremita and RyanPm40 like this.
  17. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    @RyanPm40 sorry to see you going through this stuff, it's emotionally draining.

    I think sometimes the inevitable needs to happen and we need to strip everything down and get back to simple basics. It sounds like you both just need to be on your own and reassess and focus on yourselves and I think that's perfectly okay. Like you said, it seemed necessary.

    The biggest thing i've done to empower myself the past few years is being okay with being alone/single. It took time but has really truly helped me.
  18. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I woke up to her wearing her ring again and being nice to me so I guess we're back together? Haha.

    Trusted Supporter

    Victor Eremita likes this.
  20. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    It's very much day 1 couples counseling stuff, but the biggest and most helpful tool my long-term girlfriend and I have learned after years of huge blowups and fights is to use "I" statements. 9 times out of 10, for us at least, the biggest thing that leads us to spiraling is one or both of us don't feel heard. We're still working on using them BEFORE a fight happens, but they are very useful as a way to stop down in the middle of an argument and say "hey, neither one of us are listening to each other, let's just say our I statements to ensure we both feel heard". I definitely implore couples that struggle with communicating to use them if they aren't already. Essentially you say, "I feel ______ when you _________." and then give them the course of action you'd like to see in the future, the other person has to listen and repeat back. Helps in a lot of other work and friend situations as well, you might not always get them to repeat back what you said in those situations, but just getting the words out and making sure you communicated your feelings clearly helps lessen your frustrations.
    jkauf, bigmike, cashlion and 3 others like this.
  21. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Yeah I tried that when I was sick the other week and she kept asking me to do errands for her. "I feel like you don't believe me that I'm sick when you ask me to run errands for you". She told me to "get fucked" because she's done errands for me when sick in the past (on her own choice, I never asked her to).

    She needs therapy very badly, but as soon as she tells a therapist she has Medicaid, they ghost her
  22. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    lol yeah it definitely only works when both parties are on board and do their part.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  23. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I use a lot of I statements but I struggle when someone's I statement isn't how I feel. Then I get caught up in being right. If they were to say "I feel like you don't care when you don't pay attention to what I'm saying" I still get defensive cause then I'm like "it's not that I don't care but it's hard for me to focus when it feels like you're talking at me instead of to me" idk maybe that example doesn't work but I always feel the need to correct their perception because I cannot handle feeling like someone has an incorrect perception of me and then it gets into justifying my actions because of my intent not being to hurt them. Even tho I logically know about intent vs impact. Man idk human relationships are hard. BRB gonna go live on an island alone.
  24. Jams


    My aunt’s funeral is tomorrow and I’m dreading it so much. I’m not very close to my mom’s family. I don’t have anything against them except I avoid all family gatherings bc my one uncle makes me so uncomfortable. I stopped going to any family events years ago bc he always makes sexual comments to me and it’s so disgusting. My mom gets really upset bc I never spend holidays with her and I’ve told her I have nothing against her family, just him and I cannot be around him. And she tried to be sympathetic but then says shit like “he wouldn’t actually do anything! He’s harmless” Ok but I’m his niece and he shouldn’t ask me to mow his lawn in a bikini either among various other nasty things he’s said to me. Like I ran into him in a public place and he was with his friend and he introduced me as his hot niece. That’s fucking creepy!! I’m going to get there right before the service and try to get out of going to the dinner after but I hope my mom doesn’t get upset with me. I just get so anxious as soon as I see him and get physically sick.
  25. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Yeah if I had a brother or brother in law hit on my child I would be decking them. That’s gross af