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Megalopolis (Francis Ford Coppola, 2024) • Page 10

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by ItsAndrew, May 26, 2023.

  1. michael_gatto


    I saw it on Friday opening day and it was me and 3 other people. Curious to see the legs on this one, might see it again just to see if it gets better with expectations removed.
  2. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

    It's not currently expected to reach the low end of box office expectations.
    aliens exist likes this.
  3. JM95


    I was the only one in my showing on Friday
  4. Morrissey


    You really shouldn't wait to see this in theaters. It is big with a certain online crowd but it is still a huge financial bomb.
  5. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

    Given the very wide reactions, I do want to see the movie eventually, but have no interest in going to the theater for it, tbh.
  6. soggytime


    Seeing this in theaters is the ideal way. You need to be there for the laughter and you gotta be locked in a room with this thing to engage with it and go insane. At home it's too easy to go on your phone and tune it out.
  7. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

    But the theaters are empty. All I'd hear is my own laughter echoing back at me!
    aliens exist and Penlab like this.
  8. riotspray

    Prestigious Prestigious

    My theater was packed, but it was also one of the only two Ultimate Experiences in the area.
  9. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Yeah this is a beautiful mess that needs to be seen on a giant screen. The giant crazy wedding needs to be seen in theaters.
  10. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  11. soggytime


    Everyone seems so concerned that this is a huge flop - but exactly what does it matter - Coppola got to make his dream project on his own terms and uhhh something tells me he will still be well off after this.
  12. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Plus his kids are oscar nominated/winners it's not like they'll wind up broke
    coleslawed and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  13. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    This is sadly a case of people being so used to the corporate machine that when something is made solely for the purpose of existing as an artistic statement, they don't know how to engage with it.
  14. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m engaging with it right now and not enjoying it
    Zilla, riotspray and Penlab like this.
  15. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    Get off chorus
    Tim and imthegrimace like this.
  16. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

    Nah live tweet the experience
    Penlab likes this.
  17. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

  18. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Sunny Hope or Francis lol
    riotspray likes this.
  19. Shakriel

    I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep. Prestigious

  20. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I didn’t like this haha. Gonna have to sit with it for a while to formulate more thoughts, but I was at times bafflingly bored, frustratingly confused, and thoroughly whelmed.

    Funniest part for me may have been decrepit Jon Voight just barely pulling a quiver to launch an arrow hard enough to kill a person.
    Zilla and riotspray like this.
  21. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Just remembered the satellite crashing into the city.
  22. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    certainly looked cool, shame nothing came of it haha
  23. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Agreed. I know they had talked about possible nuclear fallout, so maybe there could’ve been a thread about Megalopolis’s ability to harness it for power or protect the citizens?
  24. soggytime


    I’m leaning on the side of not liking it but also respecting it
    riotspray likes this.
  25. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    The indie theater that’s closer to me keeps playing the trailer for this but they aren’t actually showing it, and all the Regal showings are while I’m at work. Dumb!