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Max Bemis Details the Creation of ‘…Is a Real Boy’

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. wakaflockajamez

    die die die, cry cry cry

    Love it.
  3. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

  4. BradBradley


    It would be difficult to state what this record means to me. I remember seeing it in 2006 in a room jam packed with 200 people. I didn't know their music, but laughed when he called out nearly everyone in the audience for know the words to "A Walk Through Hell." Afterwards, that was the theme song between my (now) wife and me when we lived apart from each other for a year. I obsessively listened to ...IARB for the next three years, and even that is made more interesting given the history of when/how it was recorded and then distributed. ...WARB was out by then, and somehow kept the same, frenetic energy. I saw them a year later at a HOB, and I have no clue how many people were there that night. It was insane. All that I remember was Manchester Orchestra opened for them and they threw cake into the audience at some point. It honestly felt like Max and Co. owned the (scene) world. They deserved it. IDOTG was amazing, but suffered with too many filler tracks to be a double album. I honestly think it could've been nearly as big and kept that momentum if they had some decent editing and moved to a single disc. There was a ton of meat on that bone, but sadly, some fat as well.
    Turkeylegz and SuNDaYSTaR like this.
  5. Ska Senanake


    Alive with the Glory of Love, while their biggest song, is one of the greatest songs ever written across any genre IMO. For those that didn't know it's about his grandparents living through the Holocaust. SO MANY FEELS.
  6. this is still one of the greatest albums that i never listen to anymore
    Larry David and Turkeylegz like this.
  7. thevastminority


    Funny that he hates his vocals on that album when he sounded much better than he does now. Adam Lazarra from TBS said the same thing...not sure what they're hearing...
    j0hnnyrt and Larry David like this.