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Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie • Page 94

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Ah I was not aware. I haven't really met anyone outside of these forums who actually liked it, and just knew critics hated it.
    Vase Full Of Rocks likes this.
  2. Metacritic has the user score at 6.2:

    Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 10.28.45 AM.png

    LetterboxD has it at around 3 stars:

    Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 10.29.10 AM.png

    IMDB: 6.7

    Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 10.29.46 AM.png

    I dunno, I think that it may be a case of more of the general audience enjoying it or seeing it for what it was. Like, those aren't "holy shit this is the best movie ever" kind of ratings, but it kinda falls with my outside-of-the-critics mindset: it was a ridiculously stupid movie that I enjoyed the hell out of watching. It would lead me to believe that the sequel could do quite well for Sony.

    Another random thought I had last night: Sony's Spider-Man video game was exceptionally well received as well. So I'd say they have three Spider-Related properties, as of right now, that they've done very well with.
    Omni, Zilla and RyanPm40 like this.
  3. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Very good point about the PS4 game!
  4. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I wasn't a huge fan of "Venom," but I was glad that we still have a studio that's able to churn out weird Marvel movies.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  5. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    The PS4 game is arguably one of the best games you can play on that system period
    Omni likes this.
  6. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    The more I think about this whole situation, the more I simply can't fathom how anyone can side with Disney beyond blind company loyalty. An MCU Spider-Man 3 would effectively have to double whatever box office a solo Sony Spider-Man 3 would do, and the odds of that are honestly really low. You want Spider-Man to stay in the MCU? Yell at Disney to give a more reasonable offer instead of blaming Sony for not giving into Disney's "Fuck you we own the film industry" attitude.
    awakeohsleeper, RyanPm40 and Tim like this.
  7. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    coleslawed and RyanPm40 like this.
  8. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm a pretty damn loyal (aka trained) Disney fan, but I agree with this 100%. Disney is acting like they deserve 50% of a character that they don't own. There's no denying that the MCU gives the Spider-Man movies a bit of a boost in box office, but Disney is crazy to think that Sony needs them to make money with that character.
  9. I'm still not getting why people think it's a given Spider-Man's gonna be "rebooted" again ... but that said, the lack of Uncle Ben even being mentioned in the MCU version of Spider-Man I actually think is one of its biggest flaws; in my opinion.
  10. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I guess Tom Holland unfollowed every Sony-related account on social media, so it's making some people suspicious
  11. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    I hope if it does get rebooted, Tom goes full angsty teen and makes his profile picture black and changes his name to just a period and unfollows everyone
    coleslawed likes this.
  12. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    Real easy to see that Tom Holland has not unfollowed every Sony-related account on social media. Took me like 30 seconds to verify
    coleslawed, Zilla and RyanPm40 like this.
  13. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Fair enough, I saw some people saying it as well as an article somewhere mentioning it. I didn't bother digging from there.
  14. I just looked at his Twitter account and he's still following a whole bunch of Sony accounts. :shrug:
    coleslawed and RyanPm40 like this.
  15. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I also unfollowed Disney and sony on social media after this.

    (I haven’t even followed them at all)
  16. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Guys I just thought the meme was funny:shrug:
  17. slimfenix182


    Jeremy Renner should write a song about Spidey staying in the MCU

    Wait that's not a generic enough topic for his music
    coleslawed and imthesheriff like this.
  18. Tim

    uh, yeah, I’m down with the clown Supporter

    He's talking about comic books, which are pretty dope, y'all.
  19. You can even him with see X-Men and the Fantastic Four!
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  20. I definitely see where you’re coming from on the whole arc -which is Spidey moving beyond the specter of Iron Man/Tony and becoming his own hero.

    I guess my gripe is that it would suddenly be jarring to eliminate the references to the larger MCU - they’re not necessarily “needed” moving forward but it would be weird to me.

    That said I think Spider-man works just fine on his own, a la Batman. He’s got a great surrounding cast and so many fantastic villains that it would take quite a number of films to really burn through.
  21. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I think some underestimate how hard it’s going to be to convince a large number of the film audience to “move on” from his films being in the MCU, especially with it being so abrupt. Whether it works or not, people got comfortable with him in that world.
  22. I think most people have been pretty clear-eyed with their predictions that the Marvel stans are going to throw tantrums no matter what.
    Zilla and RyanPm40 like this.
  23. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    I expect any boycott of Sony's Spider-Man movie to go about as well as the Captain Marvel boycott
    RyanPm40 and Omni like this.
  24. Omni


    Yeah, good luck trying to get people to not see the new Spider-Man movie lmao. Gonna be a tough sell.
  25. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    No one is going to boycott or protest the next film if it’s not in the MCU. Some people just simply won’t care or be interested in a film that takes a character away from a universe he’s been in the last 5 films and act like none of it happened.