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Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie • Page 442

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Idk I’d rather just have a good actor with actual range instead of Dwayne Johnson playing Dwayne Johnson. I like him in roles, but in the roles suited for him. That’s just how I feel though.

    Marvel also wouldn’t even be able to tame him. Disney will take his side with any problem he has, so whatever he wants will still go. I also don’t know why they’d even be talking about Apocalypse this early when the X-Men haven’t even been established yet. That’s not an early villain. Lol

    It felt like a year ago, but it was only May. Lmao

    Azz likes this.
  2. Azz


    I agree, the rare times he was taken out of comfort zone.. Snitch, Pain & Gain, Southland Tales, Faster.. he does succeed performance wise. I just hope with the Benny Safdie a24 film The Smashing Machine he will get the performance of his career out of him so we'll see.

    Ok on topic yeah Apocalypse is too early of an X-Men villain in the MCU yet, that would have to be years down the line, maybe Mr Sinister as the first X-men MCU villain or just stick to Magneto.
  3. Taketimeandfind


    Fuck it, give me Rockpocalypse.
    Azz likes this.
  4. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    I’m actually really hopeful for that one. I’ve been calling an Oscar nom since they announced the movie. Lol But I don’t know if one career defining role would make me trust him as freaking Apocalypse.

    I feel like all three of them are villains that would just be too early to go all in on. Magneto needs to be set up, Mr. Sinister needs to be the villain in the shadows that pops up in credit scenes, and Apocalypse is just Apocalypse. X-Men event the size of an Avengers movie to take him on. They’re all also recent villains in both live action and the animated series. Give us something new.

    Why cant we just start off with some Brotherhood of Mutants stuff? Or anyone else from their huge Rogue (s) get it? gallery?
    Azz likes this.
  5. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    The first enemy should be humanity.

    Or just get really fucking weird and use Mojo and Sauron.
    Azz likes this.
  6. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Being real though, there's absolutely no need to build up Magneto as everyone knows who he is and he's generally the first threat in every single adaptation.

    As much as I'd like to get fresh blood, I feel like most villains are either too personal to a respective X-Man or require at least some amount of buildup.

    Magneto, the Brotherhood, and the Sentinels are about all you can run with.
  7. mintplusplus


    Just make a bad wolverine that has red claws.
  8. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    TEGCRocco likes this.
  9. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Okay yeah I should’ve been more specific. If I assume these future X-Men movies have spin-offs, but there will be the main title movies, then I personally feel like Magneto shouldn’t be a main villain in the very first movie. He also fits controlling the Brotherhood of Mutants without actually being a part of the conflict. Then let him loose in the 2nd movie. I’m not saying we need an origin story. Establish their relationship first, considering Magneto is not some villain that shows up to be taken down in one movie. It wouldn’t kill the MCU to let us actually connect to these new characters first. We don’t even know what Magneto’s motivation would be unless dude is over 100 years old.
  10. SpeckledSouls


    Please don't put the rock in this.
  11. slimfenix182


    I don't need the Rock in anything for a good five years
  12. mintplusplus


    Save the Rock for the Indiana Jones Disneyland ride movie adaptation.
  13. justin.


    If Johnson is actually chosen, it’s because they want someone who will be bulky and intimidating when next to other actors (without Apocalypse being CGI)

    Azz likes this.
  14. Smittzerland

    First time long time (FKA musicfan9795) Prestigious

    I mean that makes sense, like the Dave Bautista Drax casting
  15. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Bautista is actually a good actor though.
    David-, Smittzerland, justin. and 7 others like this.
  16. SpeckledSouls


    The Rock could stop acting all together and I'd be super happy with that
  17. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Personally, I think it would be more Disney pushing him on Marvel because they’re still trying to bounce back, so The Rock would be a big name to make a big deal about. The Rock in any role like that just feels like a gimmick now.


    The Rock has been doing it basically twice as long as Bautista and he’s still just playing himself and not really getting better. And that’s fine for the movies where that’s basically what you’re expecting. I think he could nail the role for Safdie, but that doesn’t really change much. Bautista actually works on his craft and he’s still improving. I feel like you can’t even compare them. The Rock could never fit in a Denis Villeneuve movie. lol
  18. justin.


    Brave New World plot leak due to a test audience screening

    Movie opens with Sam on a mission going after the Serpent Society, they were supposed to lead Sam and Joaquin to the buyer of “the package” (adamantium)

    Giancarlo (Sidewinder) has some nuns hostage and spouts very generic villain dialogue (“secure the package, take no prisoners, etc.”)

    Sam fights serpent society dude with golden “fang” knives, the guy has super soldier strength but Sam beats him before more soldiers arrive

    Sidewinder gets away

    Sam takes Joaquin to be trained by Isaiah Bradley, followed by a training montage with Sam and Joaquin and Isiah throwing around punching bags

    Sam is invited to the White House, he decides to bring Isaiah and Joaquin and they party in a limo on the way to the White House

    They take a picture with President Harrison Ford, Harrison tells Isaiah “ I gotta do the trick-and-pony show but stick around I want to get to know you better”

    Ross and Sam meet up and he tells him “ I need you to lead the avengers” Sam goes “ what if we don’t see eye to eye” Ross replies “ then we will figure that out together”

    Ross is almost assassinated by Isaiah Bradley as well as other mind controlled soldiers and security guards in the room

    Sam chases Isaiah out into the streets where Isaiah comes to and doesn’t know where he is, he is arrested

    Sam and Joaquin look at security footage inside the White House and see that Isaiah looks down at his phone and his hypnotized by flashing lights

    Later see that the other soldiers and security guards in the room also got the same flashes on their phone lights

    Sam and Joaquin decide to get to who is behind all this and come across Tim Blake Nelson as the leader with a weird molded-on brain-shaped rubber cap and slightly green skin

    The leader has been visited by Ross many times because Ross was dying and turned to the leader to help him which in turn causes him to Hulk out if his blood pressure raises (Ross has to eat lollipops as a form of medication I think?)

    Ruth (Sabra) starts to take Isaiah Bradley into containment after another mind controlled attempted assassination in a prison, he goes “ I will not be locked up in a box again!”

    Ruth decides to also track down breadcrumbs leading to sterns (the leader) where she comes across and (very briefly) teams up with Sam and Joaquin

    They go to Stark technologies where they meet Amadeus Cho who is the smartest engineer there. I don’t know where they found this actor but he is not good at all. Sam says something about pepper but we never see her

    President Ross is bunkered down away from danger and is trying to get the world leaders to agree on a peace treaty and is having trouble with Japan getting on board after Japan thinks America robbed it of its adamantium (or something along those lines)

    This leads to Torres and Wilson meeting up with Ross as American battleships and Japanese battleships fight with each other in a big set piece near the hand of Tiumut in the Indian ocean

    Big cgi-filled action scene that ends with Torres falling out of the air into the water but then rescued by a medic

    As Torres is in the hospital recovering, Bucky swings by to check on Sam, makes a speech, jokes about how it was written, then says he has a fundraiser to get to and nopes tf outta the movie

    Ross finds out he is being set up by Sterns to make Japan and the other world leaders not want to work with him because of reasons (something to do with the serpent Society stealing adamantium or something? Idk it wasn’t very clear)

    But Ross goes to a press conference at the White House where all of a sudden, the leaders vaguely-portrayed mind-control sounds start playing through the speaker eventually causing Harrison to Hulk out

    Sam meets the leader who admits his evil plan and thinks Sam will die bc he’s not Steve rogers ( Sam says “I love to prove people wrong”)

    Sam shows up to the scene with Rulk and the two tear up the White House (very Jan 6 - evoking imagery at times)

    They eventually start hashing it out and the fight culminates with Sam stabbing one of his wings into Ross’ side which causes him to transform back to Harrison but he’s all scratched up (doesn’t have the invulnerability that Hulk has)

    Ross is locked up in the raft (is told by Sam, “how does it feel to be locked up?” Ross is like well at least I’m safe and they made a point to have sam literally say to the president “ thank you for taking accountability for your own actions and turning yourself in voluntarily “ where Ross is then met by his daughter Betty (and ho boy does Liv Tyler look botoxed up to HighHell

    Sam visits Torres in the hospital. They joke about Torres being from Miami and visiting Wakanda to get new wings

    Mid credit scene: Sam visits the leader in the raft, mentions some thing about giving hulk juice to Amadeus Cho , and Sterns goes “something big and bad is comin’” and Sam is like “I’ll be ready”. That’s it.
  19. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    That is an absolutely atrocious plot leak that sounds like someone heard it second hand from a friend.
  20. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Meanwhile DanielRPK is claiming Logan Kim is Amadeus Cho
  21. phaynes12 Prestigious

    well i hope that isnt accurate!
  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I read what would likely be the first act and it seems pretty plausible based on trailers. But as I didn’t read it all, I can’t say that’s true for all of it.
  23. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    The battleship part seems odd to me. But that’s just me.
  24. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    I don’t want to read it, but can someone who did give me a 1-10 of how heavily involved the space god corpse will be?
  25. Taketimeandfind


    Damn I read that whole thing and there’s no way I’ll remember any of that once the movie comes out