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Maroon 5 Bassist Arrested for Domestic Violence

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Mara Siegler, writing for Page Six:

    Maroon 5 bassist Mickey Madden was arrested Saturday afternoon in Los Angeles following an allegation of domestic violence.

    The LAPD confirmed to Page Six the charge against Madden, 41, is California penal code 273.5(a), which means that someone willfully inflicted a “traumatic” injury on a spouse or cohabitant.


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  2. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Maroon 5 has other band members besides Adam Levine? You wouldn't know it from hearing the last several albums
  3. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

  4. WasteSomeTime


  5. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    No, because it's offensive as fuck to domestic abuse survivors.
    Mary V, scottlechowicz and K0ta like this.
  6. WasteSomeTime


    The world does cater to what you find offensive. I personally don't find it funny but you don't get to just start censoring things because you don't find it ok. I was beaten by my dad when I was young often and it doesn't bother me.
    johnthegawd likes this.
  7. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Whether or not you're offended is irrelevant, actually
  8. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    *sees article about someone being arrested for domestic abuse*

    "Ah yes, perfect time to try out some new jokes!"

    EDIT: And, just to be clear, the first two posts in this thread about an arrest for domestic abuse were jokes.
    popdisaster00 likes this.
  9. WasteSomeTime


    You don't censor things because you think it might hurt someones feelings.
    johnthegawd likes this.
  10. WasteSomeTime


    Yeah the person was a jackass but doesn't mean you take away his right to say it
  11. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I am not censoring the post..I literally could delete it if I wanted to.
    johnthegawd and scottlechowicz like this.
  12. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Good to see that he was arrested. Hopefully, the survivor's injuries are not too severe.
  13. Sure I can. It’s my website and it’s right there in the rules! *insert kxcd image about the door and assholes online here*
    Brent, prattsy, justin. and 3 others like this.
  14. Former Planets


    It was a pretty insensitive joke. I’ll think twice in the future.

    Fucking Dustin and Jason Tate like this.
  15. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

    I've always wondered why the free speech whiners only come out of the woodwork to defend assholes.
    tyramail likes this.
  16. prattsy


    I thought Maroon 5's bassist was that Sam Farrar dude from Phantom Planet or am I mixing things up in my head
  17. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

    He's in the band, just not the bassist.