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Mariel From Candy Hearts Details Abuse From Tour Manager • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 23, 2016.

  1. stuckinvhs

    Social Justice Wizard Prestigious

    fucking disgusting. these people are a cancer to not only the music scene but society itself. they need serious help.
    Cola. likes this.
  2. fourstarters May 23, 2016
    (Last edited: May 23, 2016)

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    Deleted by request.

    Support good people.
  3. carlosonthedrums

    Cooler than a polar bear's toenails Prestigious

    So tough reading that. It's insane that this type of thing is still prevalent in music (and so many other fields) in 2016.
  4. RiseAgainst379


    Awful. Just awful. Good for her for going public. That's the only way anything will ever get better, it needs to be talked about in the open.


    I remember meeting this guy back in 2014 when they were dating, something seemed very off about him.
  6. Was wondering why Candy Hearts were taking thing so slow and this reasoning is so heartbreaking. What's worse is Seaway/others knew and didn't do anything until she was brave enough to speak up publicly.

    I went to see Hit The Lights in NYC last week, where Seaway opened and decided to bring Harry on stage for some guest vocals. His hardcore band also played a show in another room in the venue that night and No Good News did a surprise song before Transit a couple weeks back. Super disheartening to see so many people still support him and give the "good dude" card.
    Penguin likes this.
  7. Truly despicable.
    TheWater(s) and Penguin like this.
  8. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    She says in the post she may delete it, and it was also stated earlier in the thread, so it may be a good idea to remove this
    fourstarters and Jason Tate like this.
  9. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    done and done.
  10. hypernights.


    As a young female that really wants to start enjoying more live music, hearing about things like this makes me so unnerved. I feel like music is the one thing that should allow a person to put their guard down and have a good time connecting with others in a safe environment. Guess that's just a fantasy. Regardless, I'm glad that things like this are getting well-deserved attention.
  11. chuwaay


  12. Brandon Briganti

    Regular Prestigious

    Doesn't four year strong still have JJR working for them?
  13. jellyfishfossil


    The only news I hear about this scene is bad news. I'm glad i've moved on from it.
  14. jorbjorb May 24, 2016
    (Last edited: May 24, 2016)

    7 rings Prestigious

    this is bad
  15. fyebes

    Regular Prestigious

    stomach churning every single time.
  16. Stephen Young

    Regular Prestigious

    Isn't it kinda fucked that they mention his name even though she refused to identify him?

    Seems like that puts her in a dangerous situation.
  17. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    I don't think it was heart to put the pieces together even if they didn't mention his name. Just had to google Seaway tour manager/
  18. Cola.

    I was such a looker in the old days Prestigious

    It's sad and disgusting that things like this continue to happen. What's worse is Im not even surprised by it anymore. Every few months I know something like this is going to show up again.
  19. TheWater(s)

    Kiss The Sky Prestigious

    I emailed the venue in Seattle that Seaway is playing because it's a safe space and they're holding a staff meeting to potentially cancel this. We as a community need to take action and strip the power away from these men.
  20. As far as I know, yes. There are no real consequences. Hell, even Front Porch Step is reportedly almost done with a new album.
  21. Brandon Briganti

    Regular Prestigious

    I just saw that the other day that he had a new album. Ridiculous. Who would even buy that? It's sick.
  22. I couldn't even tell you why anyone would wanna buy that music before all the other stuff came out — heh, so I'm at a loss!
    ChrisCantWrite likes this.
  23. Brandon Briganti

    Regular Prestigious

    Haha thats the best thing I'll hear today.
  24. brothemighty


    Fuck this guy and fuck everyone in this goddamn disgusting scene that lets misogynistic monstrous assholes like this one off the hook and punishes woman after woman just for being in a band and asking to be treated like a fucking human.

    I'm so goddamn tired of this endless bullshit. Candy Hearts is like one of my favorite bands and this shouldn't have happened to Mariel and this fuckface cannot get away with this. Why aren't we better yet? Who among us is still clinging to these outdated narcisstic face-in-the-mud ideas of dudes getting to do whatever the fuck they want thanks to their above-average bicep size and testosterone-fueled dickrage?

    Fuck off, rape apologists, misogynists, and all you fucking straight white dudes doing your part to make this one of the most toxic music scenes on the planet earth. Grow up, smarten up, and above all, shut up. Listen to other people's perspectives who don't have a tiny pale misshapen cock and try to make the world a better place by letting other people do all the shit you think is owed you.

    Goddamn it.
    Dust Of Fallen Rome likes this.
  25. Dust Of Fallen Rome


    I wanted two rant my head off but you said all I wanted to with more fire than I ever could. Huzzah!

    But yeah fuck pop punk and fuck the wasters defending it.
    Carmensaopaulo likes this.